by dwvideo | Dec 12, 2014 | blog
Producing Video Testimonials for GRIN… “these are affordable”, states DW Video Owner Duane Weed.
At DW Video we love producing video testimonials and promoting Michigan. We are working with the Grand Rapids Inventors Network promoting the organization and its members. “Developing a product is a marathon” states John a member of the Grand Rapids Inventors Network. John a Michigan inventor (Johnny Ball) believes you have to believe in your product 100 percent and not give up. The networking possibilities are a great benefit of the organization.
Our approach when producing video testimonials is to keep it real. These do not have to be expensive and in the case for how we produced the videos for GRIN, the production is hundreds of dollars… not thousands. Here is the video we produced:
Grand Rapids Inventors Network helps Johnny Ball
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Johnny%20Ball” rel=”0″]
The goal for GRIN is to build their YouTube Channel and provide a platform not only for the organization and the members.
Follow DW Video on facebook, Connect with Duane on Linkedin and check out our blog. At DW Video we provide Video and Media services all over Michigan including the cities of Grand Rapids, Rockford, Reed City, Newaygo, Muskegon, Mount Pleasant, Greenville, Fremont and Cedar Springs.
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by dwvideo | Dec 1, 2014 | blog
Produce your seminar videos and use YouTube as a platform to reach your audience.
Seminar Videos are one way you can share your expertise to prospects and customers. Lately we have been doing a lot of work in the health care area, however the concepts go to any business.
When we say seminar videos this can mean a number of things. One, you do not need to go out on a speaking tour and have DW Video capture all your seminars. Sidenote: Yes, we can do this if you are a keynote speaker. Second, The seminar videos can be done in your place of business or at our studio in Howard City. It is all about feeding the Google Beast, your prospects and customers with good quality information.
These videos do not need to be expensive and done with a high production budget. They need to be clean with excellent audio. Meaning, do not use the camera microphone, use a lav or overhead mics to capture the audio.
John Hopkins Medicine uses seminar videos to inform and educate. Creation Today uses seminar videos to provide information to their prospects as well. Dr. Harpreet Singh, a local doctor with a mission. Educated patients are informed patients.
It does not matter what you are selling. Think about video as a chapter in a book. You need many chapters per topic. So what am I saying? Take a seminar that may be a half hour in length and turn it into a series. For example I recently took a seminar by Dr. Singh and made twelve videos from the one seminar.
Why would I do that? Remember the google beast. It needs to be fed often. So having many videos from your site on a topic is better than one long video. Plus and very important, attention span.
Duane Weed, Video Producer for DW Video & Multimedia, LLC creates videos for businesses to share their story. Promotional, Instructional, Training, Testimonials, Video Profiles, Marketing and Brand Identity Videos. Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.
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by dwvideo | Oct 16, 2014 | blog
Grand Rapids Inventors share their experience with GRIN.
Members come from all over West Michigan.
Attention Grand Rapids Inventors, we welcome you to join us as you begin to take a journey from idea to market. GRIN, as many in the Grand Rapids Inventors Network call it is a growing group of individuals that have invented something and now need help with manufacturing, obtaining a patent, getting funding, marketing, Amazon and more.
As the name states it is more than just Grand Rapids Inventors. Coming from Big Rapids, Howard City, Rockford, Grand Haven and Muskegon are just a few of the communities GRIN members come from.
I first got involved with GRIN through current President Joe Finkler when I did a couple small projects for his ‘As Seen On TV’ business. He had heard about me through GRIN member Connie and Bill Larson from Larco Products. We (DW Video and Joe) began looking at how to market GRIN. Two videos were produced though having members of the board tell the story of the Grand Rapids Inventors Network. Here is one of those videos.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Grand%20Rapids%20Inventors” rel=”0″]
Grand Rapids Inventors Network is a resource to all who have an idea.
Members share insight that go beyond a scripted production. Keep it real.
Anyone who knows me, knows I like to keep it real. With social media being a big part of the American public’s routine. People want to connect with others. That is the basis of our Buy Local Video Profiles.
We are now marketing GRIN through video testimonials from their members. At a recent GRIN meeting the process was started – six members shared their story on how GRIN has help them on their inventors journey. It continues to amaze me the golden nuggets that we get with interviewing members of business and their customers. Soundbites that are just plain awesome and work to really promote a business, organization, school etc. We will get a few more and then go into production to produce more videos for YouTube, Social Media and the Grand Rapids Inventors Network website.
GRIN encourages members and provides resources.
No matter what phase of the invention process you are at… GRIN can help.
To all the Grand Rapids Inventors out there – Come attend a meeting (the first one is free) and find out how they can help you with both your invention idea and with the steps to success as an inventor. This is a journey and you are not alone. Why spend thousands of dollars trying to do it yourself. Reach out to the many mentors that are at every GRIN meeting. You will be glad you did.
For more information on GRIN visit their website for directions and times.
DW Video is standing by to tell your story. Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.
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Grand Rapids Inventors Network
GRIN Video
by dwvideo | Jul 16, 2014 | blog
Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords is part of our next 30 day challenge.
The ongoing need to feed the beast I call the Google Monster with Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords. As mentioned earlier the results of my 90 Day Blog/SEO challenge was successful. It showed my site beginning to reach key market areas. For what my business does we could be hired and work anywhere. At times we travel. Realistically my business shines in Michigan. In general terms a number of communities within that area.
For the next 30 days or so my new challenge is building Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords. Consider using location-based searches if your main market is in one region. When searching for a business in your area, search engine users will usually include their location in the search. Otherwise it gives you results from other states, not helpful if you need a roofer now. So, “home roofing contractor” becomes “home roofing contractor in Howard City Michigan. The more detail you put in your search, the better your results if finding what you need.
So that is what I am doing with each major keyword and location in my market area. NOTE: Been told by SEO programmers that Google frowns on using the same content on multiple pages with minor changes. Going back to our ‘home roofing contractor’ we would not place the same info on: ‘home roofing contractor big rapids’ – ‘home roofing contractor reed city’ and ‘home roofing contractor cadillac’ for example. The Google beast loves content, new and fresh content. This is where your time will be spent. Hours and hours working your Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords. Plus do not forget you still need to be blogging as well. Feed the BEAST.
As we journey through the wonderful world of SEO remember there are numerous ways to work our site organically. Please do not get discouraged. This is a marathon. A never-ending marathon. This 30 day challenge of building Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords is only one technique we decided on based on our 90 day analytic report. When will I know if this is a good use of time… 30 – 90 days from now.
My goal is to help you. You first have to begin with a website that has a great foundation. Then and only then can we move forward. This journey is one I am happy to share with you. Learn from my success and failures. Need help on your site? Contact me at 231-937-5420. We can design and build your site, your foundation and then help you along the path. Thank you!
DW Video & Multimedia, LLC is a full service video and media production company located in the quiet country side of Howard City. We service the Michigan communities from Grand Rapids to Grand Haven to Fremont, Big Rapids, Rockford, Greenville, Mount Pleasant, Midland and everything inbetween. Everyone has a story to tell and DW Video is telling it.
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Landing Page
Reviewed Google Analytics
90 Day Challenge
WordPress Blog and SEO
Google Analytics
by dwvideo | Jul 14, 2014 | blog
What to do with your stats?
From our 90 day Blog/SEO challenge we have reviewed Google Analytics in an earlier blog… now what? This information is valuable and will begin another challenge.
The good – Google Analytics shows we are getting traffic and people are staying on the site for two minutes and more. The bad – the phone is not ringing. So, how to get the users to contact us on the site or be reminded to contact: Our goal with the new challenge is to implement a “pop up contact form” that will trigger after the user has been on our site for a specific time. With most users hanging out for 2-3 minutes, we will have the pop-up say something like “Are you interested? Contact us now!!!” and have the form right in the box for them to fill out.
From the reviewed Google Analytics a couple choices are alternative domains and/or using our blog and landing pages with the keyword(s) in our domain. What does this mean, it means more testing.
So what is an alternate domain? Alternate domain is any domain that has been added to your server after the primary domain. By default, all alternate domains are completely independent domains. They can have their own content, email addresses, and settings. The way works is we would get a domain name that is based on keywords and a location the we would SEO on a single page. It would be separate from our site and just be a landing page with information, a link and a contact form. Short and simple and straight to the point.
Alternate domains are fairly close to how we utilize the blog posts to pull people in based on their information they’re looking for, except in this case we would be targeting keywords, bringing the users to a different site that is monitored by different analytics. This is a never-ending review of a website. Something that each and every one of us will have to do to get results from our sites. We want to know if prospects are truly interested then they will be referral traffic from this domain landing page. It will help weed out the people who are truly interested and those who are just surfing.
Landing pages is another part of our focus based on the results. According to Ubounce, “In the purest sense, a landing page is any web page that a visitor can arrive at or “land” on. However, when discussing landing pages within the realm of marketing and advertising, it’s more common to refer to a landing page as being a standalone web page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single focused objective. This means that your landing page should have no global navigation to tie it to your primary website. The main reason for this is to limit the options available to your visitors, helping to guide them toward your intended conversion goal.”
From our 90 day challenge the keyword results are great for our site, we just want them to start clicking “contact”, so we need to put it in their faces.
We have more work to do – we will continue blogging, adding landing pages and deciding if we are going to use alternate domains.
Serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Reed City, Greenville and all of West Michigan with Website Design and custom web app’s, DW Video is your Michigan Media Production resource. Duane can be reached at 231-937-5420.
Reviewed Google Analytics
90 Day Challenge
WordPress Blog and SEO
Google Analytics