Best way to use YouTube video links

Sharing YouTube Links

The not so good way to use use Youtube Video Links.

Best way to use YouTube video links. Today, we are lazy and look for the quick way to get our information out. Are you lazy – scroll down to get the answer.

Was at a meeting the other day.  Casey ask Cal to send him some YouTube links.  How many of you have done this?  You get the URL link and place it into an email and send it off.  Sounds simple and easy.  Well lets look at what you potential have done. STOP – what have we really done here?  We all have watched videos and at the end up pops twelve more ‘Suggested Video’ for us to look at.  Can I say SQUIRREL.  We click and are gone.  Right there in front of us is our competition.  We have with one simple click put our competitors in front of our audience.  Shame on us! This is not the best way to use YouTube video links.

What is the Best way to use YouTube video links?

Before I give you a simple way to share your videos. We all want more traffic to our website.  We want to drive people to our site so we increase our brand.  Plus bringing them to our website over a YouTube Channel personalizes our message.

Use YouTube Links

Embed your videos within our website and use that UrL when sharing videos.

So here is the best way to use YouTube video links.  Ready….

Create a page on your website and embed the video within this page.  Write and create content for this page that represents the benefits you provide.  The really cool part of this – the prospect is on YOUR WEBSITE!!!!

Now when you send out a link to your video or videos they are within your website.  Here is another free tip.  If you are using WordPress there is a plug in that allows you to block the suggested videos that come up at the end.   It is nice because there is a check box that that state ‘Disable Related Video Content’. Once the video is complete it goes back to your thumbnail.  This simple tips makes you look very professional.

Do not give your prospects a chance to go else where.  Direct them to your website.  Turn them from a prospect to a customer.

Contact Duane today at 231-937-5420.  We are ready to produce videos for you.


youtube bad practice

Bad practice when sharing just the You Tube URL. Suggested videos gives your prospects a reason to leave you.

YouTube Short Code

WordPress has a great plugin that allows you to block related videos.



non-profit video


Doing research for this post and found GoodSpeaks website. They are using video correctly, above the fold.

When producing a non-profit video it is important to keep it real.  This goes along way in educating people about what you do and who you are.  It is also important to have the video on the home page and above the fold.  Above the fold is the top part of the screen before someone scrolls.  Use the impact of video to your advantage and not hide it.

The power of a non-profit video and keeping it real allows the public to connect with a person and your cause.

Here is a couple examples of why you need a non-profit video: 1) Build awareness for your nonprofit. 2) Get others involved as volunteers and activist. and 3) Call to action – you want them to donate.


Use other social networks to promote your non profit video, such as Pinterest.

Here is a common mistake often found in non-profit videos and in others forms as well.  People try to put to much information in one video.  When you get into really promoting your organization with video think of it as a series of mini chapters. Not one and done.

Well a thought just came into my head.  You might be saying well da.  You produce video, you want us to produce more videos.  Yes, I do produce video. You need a series of videos that are never ending.

Here are some ideas:

Video Profiles on people within your organization.  Behind the scenes.

Testimonials from people that have received help from your organization.  People like to know where there money is going and seeing success stories builds trust integrity and a bond with you.

Thank you Videos that highlight major events and people you sponsor such as a golf outing, 5K, food drive etc.

Here is a story produced by DW Video on a local non-profit.

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”non-profit-video” rel=”0″]

Create a channel and embed the videos within your website. When using social media do not link to the video on You Tube.  Create a page that has the video embedded on your site.  This brings viewers to your site.  Not to YouTube and not to others on YouTube.  Keep the prospects and customers focused on you.  Also upload the video directly to your Facebook page.



When using non-profit or any business video. Disable related content when embedding the video within your site.


Contact Duane today to discuss how video can work with your non-profit and business.  231-937-5420.

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]




WordPress Blog and SEO

WordPress Blog and SEO results from our 90 day challenge.  Before getting into the data I want to cover a couple items.  For all the do it yourself person be prepared to spend time based on the results you are looking for. For 90 days my WordPress Blog and SEO goal was to get my new site ranked in my area.   Even when you do it yourself there is a cost involved.  Each of my blogs on average took one to two hours to write.  What is the cost?  According to our consulting rate and other local writers in the area $25-$50/hr is an average rate.  So 90 blogs at one to two hours per blog is 90 to 180 hours of prep at $25/hr.   That is $4500 to $9000 of your time.  Your time is valuable so use it well.  (btw: DW Video offers a monthly WordPress Blog and SEO maintenance program – call 231-937-5420 to discuss your project)

When writing your blog what do you write about.  What keywords do you use?  What market area do you aim for?  This will also be part of your prep time.

WordPress Blog and SEO

90 day challenge results for our WordPress Blog and SEO challenge.

When I began my WordPress Blog and SEO challenge my new site was not found at all.  Ready for the data – here we go.  Lets look at some search terms involving keywords related to my site:

** “Michigan Video Production”  Placement: 4  Page  This displays the home page url, using content on and shows that url in the results.

** “Big Rapids Video Production” Placement: 4 Landing page shows up here, with “Big Rapids Michigan” in url – Additionally the other two posts are blog posts

** “Big Rapids VHS to DVD” Placement: 6  This pulls up the blog post regarding vhs to dvd. Technically this is the first result that isn’t a yellow pages ad or angieslist.

** “Cedar Springs Video Production”  Placement: 1  Fantastic result for Cedar Springs if a user searches for “Video Production” in the city.

** “Big Rapids Video”  Placement: 3 page   Despite being listed on the 3rd page DW Video is the first Video Production company.


Additional Keywords and Placement:

** “big rapids medical video production”  First 3 results on First page.

** “reed city medical video production”  first result on first page

** “grand rapids medical video production”  Second result on first page

** “cedar Springs video to DVD”  second result on Second page

** “rockford media productions”  3rd page result


Here is an important fact that you need to know right now.  No sugar coating.  Working your site for WordPress Blog and SEO for results is an infinite project once you begin.  Google is a data beast that is always hungry.

The data is one item, knowing what to do with it is the next step.  In my next blog we will begin looking at what we are going to do with this data.


Serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Reed City, Greenville and all of West Michigan with Website Design and custom web app’s, DW Video is your Michigan Media Production resource.  Duane can be reached at 231-937-5420.


Reviewed Google Analytics

90 Day Challenge

Google Analytics

WordPress Blog Post

Schedule your WordPress Blog Post.  If your life is anything like mine time is an issue.  We have a few minutes here and a few minutes there.  When I began using my WordPress Blog my intentions was to use it to inform, educate and help with SEO in my area.  The majority of the time I was trying to follow a publishing schedule.  For me it was a post of day for ninety days.  April one to July One.  Almost there.  In WordPress, you can schedule posts to go live at a particular time and date, so you don’t need to be at your computer (or even awake) when the post goes live.


Setting a WordPress Blog Post schedule is important.

We are all busy and carving out a chunk of time to write is not always the easy thing to do.  For me it was laptop in my lap while watching TV at night with the family.  Some nights I would pump out two or three blog post and other evenings only one.  The nice thing about doing a WordPress Blog Post is you can schedule. Keeping with my one a day at one point I was ten or twelve days ahead.  That was then, like now I am doing my Blog Post now, getting ready to publish as soon as these fingers can type.

It is nice that you can schedule.  Best when you can stay ahead. Do not get me wrong.  Going to share a tip and this will make sense to many of you.  Starting something new you are excited.  Find it easy to make the time.  As the days and months ticked by it became a chore (at times).  However as I mentioned in a previous post – at the end of my ninety day challenge my programmer and I will review my stats and then share with you.  The Good, Bad and Ugly.  You see in my world the mistakes I make teach.  Stay tuned.

Contact Duane 231-937-5420 to produce your WordPress website to begin sharing your talents and expertise with prospects and customers.





WordPress Blogging for SEO

When I began writing a blog my goal was WordPress Blogging for SEO.   Using the blog for a couple reasons.  One to share how media works by sharing what we have done for others.  Second, to help with my Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  Blogging is about content.  I noticed when using my WordPress SEO by Yost, one of the analysis items was to write a 300 word blog.  If not this is what I would get: “There are 65 words contained in the body copy. This is far too low and should be increased.”

I then went out to find out why.  Came across a blog from Risdall, “Ideal content length is a reoccurring debate in the online marketing community, but it turns out that Google does not have a minimum word count for indexing.  A 299-word blog post can do as well as a 301-word post. Even 150 words suffice in some cases.”  You see it is all about content and how you use it.”

According to Google, ““One of the most important steps in improving your site’s ranking in Google search results is to ensure that it contains plenty of rich information that includes relevant keywords, used appropriately, that indicate the subject matter of your content.”

WordPress Blogging for SEO should be part of your ‘do it yourself’ marketing plan. The more you blog, the more new content helps your site.  How often should you blog?  From my research I found arguments of daily or multiple times a day, to a few times a week.  Successful bloggers are doing it both way.

Regular posting on your blog puts you and your brand in front of people.  Infrequent posting can lead to readers feeling disconnected, and to even forget who you are completely.  Look at what will help your customers and then provide them the information they need.  Misconceptions for blogging.

Contact Duane at 231-937-5420 to get started on producing your website. Since 1984 we have been serving West Michigan communities of Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Reed City, Newaygo, Grant, Cedar Springs, Rockford, Howard City, Mt. Pleasant, Midland, Greenville and more.



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