Schedule your WordPress Blog Post. If your life is anything like mine time is an issue. We have a few minutes here and a few minutes there. When I began using my WordPress Blog my intentions was to use it to inform, educate and help with SEO in my area. The majority of the time I was trying to follow a publishing schedule. For me it was a post of day for ninety days. April one to July One. Almost there. In WordPress, you can schedule posts to go live at a particular time and date, so you don’t need to be at your computer (or even awake) when the post goes live.
We are all busy and carving out a chunk of time to write is not always the easy thing to do. For me it was laptop in my lap while watching TV at night with the family. Some nights I would pump out two or three blog post and other evenings only one. The nice thing about doing a WordPress Blog Post is you can schedule. Keeping with my one a day at one point I was ten or twelve days ahead. That was then, like now I am doing my Blog Post now, getting ready to publish as soon as these fingers can type.
It is nice that you can schedule. Best when you can stay ahead. Do not get me wrong. Going to share a tip and this will make sense to many of you. Starting something new you are excited. Find it easy to make the time. As the days and months ticked by it became a chore (at times). However as I mentioned in a previous post – at the end of my ninety day challenge my programmer and I will review my stats and then share with you. The Good, Bad and Ugly. You see in my world the mistakes I make teach. Stay tuned.
Contact Duane 231-937-5420 to produce your WordPress website to begin sharing your talents and expertise with prospects and customers.