WordPress Blog and SEO results from our 90 day challenge.  Before getting into the data I want to cover a couple items.  For all the do it yourself person be prepared to spend time based on the results you are looking for. For 90 days my WordPress Blog and SEO goal was to get my new site ranked in my area.   Even when you do it yourself there is a cost involved.  Each of my blogs on average took one to two hours to write.  What is the cost?  According to our consulting rate and other local writers in the area $25-$50/hr is an average rate.  So 90 blogs at one to two hours per blog is 90 to 180 hours of prep at $25/hr.   That is $4500 to $9000 of your time.  Your time is valuable so use it well.  (btw: DW Video offers a monthly WordPress Blog and SEO maintenance program – call 231-937-5420 to discuss your project)

When writing your blog what do you write about.  What keywords do you use?  What market area do you aim for?  This will also be part of your prep time.

WordPress Blog and SEO

90 day challenge results for our WordPress Blog and SEO challenge.

When I began my WordPress Blog and SEO challenge my new site was not found at all.  Ready for the data – here we go.  Lets look at some search terms involving keywords related to my site:

** “Michigan Video Production”  Placement: 4  Page  This displays the home page url, using content on www.dwvideo.com.php56-26.ord1-1.websitetestlink.com and shows that url in the results.

** “Big Rapids Video Production” Placement: 4 Landing page shows up here, with “Big Rapids Michigan” in url – Additionally the other two posts are blog posts

** “Big Rapids VHS to DVD” Placement: 6  This pulls up the blog post regarding vhs to dvd. Technically this is the first result that isn’t a yellow pages ad or angieslist.

** “Cedar Springs Video Production”  Placement: 1  Fantastic result for Cedar Springs if a user searches for “Video Production” in the city.

** “Big Rapids Video”  Placement: 3 page   Despite being listed on the 3rd page DW Video is the first Video Production company.


Additional Keywords and Placement:

** “big rapids medical video production”  First 3 results on First page.

** “reed city medical video production”  first result on first page

** “grand rapids medical video production”  Second result on first page

** “cedar Springs video to DVD”  second result on Second page

** “rockford media productions”  3rd page result


Here is an important fact that you need to know right now.  No sugar coating.  Working your site for WordPress Blog and SEO for results is an infinite project once you begin.  Google is a data beast that is always hungry.

The data is one item, knowing what to do with it is the next step.  In my next blog we will begin looking at what we are going to do with this data.


Serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Reed City, Greenville and all of West Michigan with Website Design and custom web app’s, DW Video is your Michigan Media Production resource.  Duane can be reached at 231-937-5420.


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90 Day Challenge

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