by dwvideo | May 2, 2015 | blog
Local Video Marketing services provided by Duane at DW Video & Multimedia work to sell, train and educate your prospect and customer. Call Duane at 231-937-5420.
Did you know that every day, people watch over 500 years’ worth of YouTube videos on Facebook?
Or that each minute, over 700 videos are shared through Twitter?
Video has become a cultural phenomenon. More and more companies are using on-line video as a powerful way to connect with their prospects and customers. With our Local Video Marketing we work with you to get your videos found in the market area you serve.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Local%20Video%20Marketing” rel=”0″]
Imagine telling your company story in a way that shows viewers who you are, what you do and what your offer is. The offer is key, your call to action is to pick up the phone and call. ATTENTION: Call me (Duane) at 231-937-5420 to learn about my FREE video offer.
New Product-Services videos convey specific key ideas and or features of a product or service. The Buy Local Video Profile is an interview-driven video that captures the emotions and feeling your staff, suppliers and customers have for your business.
Call DW Video today 231-937-5420. Let’s talk about how we can put local video marketing to work for you. And when you do, be sure to ask about my free video offer. My name is Duane and I look forward to helping you.
For more information on Local Video Marketing check out Reel SEO.
Forbes has some good tips on video marketing.
Check out Entrepreneur for more info on Local Video Marketing.
DW Video is a full service video production company serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Muskegeon, Grand Haven, Greenville, Rockford, Newaygo, and all of West Michigan.
Follow more Michigan stories on YouTube. While you are there, please subscribe.
by dwvideo | Oct 22, 2014 | blog
Transferring videotape to DVD and sharing with others is a great gift idea. A way to preserve those memories and pass along to others.

Do you even have a videotapes player? Videotapes may not last forever. Transfer them to DVD to preserve and share.
Videotape will not last forever This weeks Buy Local Minute we will deal with transferring your videotapes to DVD. Videotapes will not last forever. I experienced this first hand with a recent order. Videotapes from 1985 that had not been played in a long time. Precious memories that could not be replace. The problem: the tape had been deteriorating and sticking to itself. Meaning it would not play. After a few days of working with the tapes I was finally able to get them to play all the way through. Get with DW Video today and have us transfer your videotapes to DVD. Remember to shop and buy locally.
Great memories are meant to be relived and shared. Transferring videotape to DVD at DW Video is your solution.
– The footage from videotape no longer breaks down.
– Videos become easy to watch. Do you even have a VCR?
Give Duane a call 231-937-5420.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”video%20to%20dvd%20transfer” rel=”0″]
DW Video serves the communities of Cedar Spring, Greenville, Rockford, Kent City, Sparta, Fremont, Newaygo, Big Rapids, Canadian Lakes and all of West Michigan.
by dwvideo | Jul 14, 2014 | blog

What to do with your stats?
From our 90 day Blog/SEO challenge we have reviewed Google Analytics in an earlier blog… now what? This information is valuable and will begin another challenge.
The good – Google Analytics shows we are getting traffic and people are staying on the site for two minutes and more. The bad – the phone is not ringing. So, how to get the users to contact us on the site or be reminded to contact: Our goal with the new challenge is to implement a “pop up contact form” that will trigger after the user has been on our site for a specific time. With most users hanging out for 2-3 minutes, we will have the pop-up say something like “Are you interested? Contact us now!!!” and have the form right in the box for them to fill out.
From the reviewed Google Analytics a couple choices are alternative domains and/or using our blog and landing pages with the keyword(s) in our domain. What does this mean, it means more testing.
So what is an alternate domain? Alternate domain is any domain that has been added to your server after the primary domain. By default, all alternate domains are completely independent domains. They can have their own content, email addresses, and settings. The way works is we would get a domain name that is based on keywords and a location the we would SEO on a single page. It would be separate from our site and just be a landing page with information, a link and a contact form. Short and simple and straight to the point.
Alternate domains are fairly close to how we utilize the blog posts to pull people in based on their information they’re looking for, except in this case we would be targeting keywords, bringing the users to a different site that is monitored by different analytics. This is a never-ending review of a website. Something that each and every one of us will have to do to get results from our sites. We want to know if prospects are truly interested then they will be referral traffic from this domain landing page. It will help weed out the people who are truly interested and those who are just surfing.
Landing pages is another part of our focus based on the results. According to Ubounce, “In the purest sense, a landing page is any web page that a visitor can arrive at or “land” on. However, when discussing landing pages within the realm of marketing and advertising, it’s more common to refer to a landing page as being a standalone web page distinct from your main website that has been designed for a single focused objective. This means that your landing page should have no global navigation to tie it to your primary website. The main reason for this is to limit the options available to your visitors, helping to guide them toward your intended conversion goal.”
From our 90 day challenge the keyword results are great for our site, we just want them to start clicking “contact”, so we need to put it in their faces.
We have more work to do – we will continue blogging, adding landing pages and deciding if we are going to use alternate domains.
Serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Reed City, Greenville and all of West Michigan with Website Design and custom web app’s, DW Video is your Michigan Media Production resource. Duane can be reached at 231-937-5420.
Reviewed Google Analytics
90 Day Challenge
WordPress Blog and SEO
Google Analytics
by dwvideo | Jul 10, 2014 | blog
WordPress Blog and SEO results from our 90 day challenge. Before getting into the data I want to cover a couple items. For all the do it yourself person be prepared to spend time based on the results you are looking for. For 90 days my WordPress Blog and SEO goal was to get my new site ranked in my area. Even when you do it yourself there is a cost involved. Each of my blogs on average took one to two hours to write. What is the cost? According to our consulting rate and other local writers in the area $25-$50/hr is an average rate. So 90 blogs at one to two hours per blog is 90 to 180 hours of prep at $25/hr. That is $4500 to $9000 of your time. Your time is valuable so use it well. (btw: DW Video offers a monthly WordPress Blog and SEO maintenance program – call 231-937-5420 to discuss your project)
When writing your blog what do you write about. What keywords do you use? What market area do you aim for? This will also be part of your prep time.

90 day challenge results for our WordPress Blog and SEO challenge.
When I began my WordPress Blog and SEO challenge my new site was not found at all. Ready for the data – here we go. Lets look at some search terms involving keywords related to my site:
** “Michigan Video Production” Placement: 4 Page This displays the home page url, using content on and shows that url in the results.
** “Big Rapids Video Production” Placement: 4 Landing page shows up here, with “Big Rapids Michigan” in url – Additionally the other two posts are blog posts
** “Big Rapids VHS to DVD” Placement: 6 This pulls up the blog post regarding vhs to dvd. Technically this is the first result that isn’t a yellow pages ad or angieslist.
** “Cedar Springs Video Production” Placement: 1 Fantastic result for Cedar Springs if a user searches for “Video Production” in the city.
** “Big Rapids Video” Placement: 3 page Despite being listed on the 3rd page DW Video is the first Video Production company.
Additional Keywords and Placement:
** “big rapids medical video production” First 3 results on First page.
** “reed city medical video production” first result on first page
** “grand rapids medical video production” Second result on first page
** “cedar Springs video to DVD” second result on Second page
** “rockford media productions” 3rd page result
Here is an important fact that you need to know right now. No sugar coating. Working your site for WordPress Blog and SEO for results is an infinite project once you begin. Google is a data beast that is always hungry.
The data is one item, knowing what to do with it is the next step. In my next blog we will begin looking at what we are going to do with this data.
Serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Reed City, Greenville and all of West Michigan with Website Design and custom web app’s, DW Video is your Michigan Media Production resource. Duane can be reached at 231-937-5420.
Reviewed Google Analytics
90 Day Challenge
Google Analytics
by dwvideo | Jun 20, 2014 | blog

Transfer your audio cassettes, reel to reel and LP’s to CD and Mp3.
West Michigan cassette to mp3 transfer service offered by DW Video & Multimedia, LLC from Howard City.
You know those old cassette tapes and reel to reels you have stored in a box in the closet or in the attic. Your music compilations of favorite songs from years ago, family events and maybe a love letter or two. Your memories maybe deteriorating. Why, because over time, magnetic tape looses particles and become muffled and distorted.
Time to bring them in and have DW Video digitized your old tapes and memories. We can transfer them to a CD or as an MP3 file for use on your phone of mobile device.
We can take that cassette and create a file for each side of the cassette. With our cassette to mp3 transfer service we can also take and create a separate file of each song or section of your cassette.
Anyone remember the Walkman! Now it is a dinosaur. Digital formats such as MP3 reign supreme now. Ideal for use on your mobile device such as your phone or iPad.
Only a short drive from Grand Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs, Greenville, Sparta, Kent City, Grant, Newaygo, Fremont, Big Rapids, Lakeview, Reed City and all of West Michigan – contact Duane to handle your cassette to mp3 transfer service. We are here to help. Our services are all done in-house. Thank you for your business. Call 231-937-5420.