Internet Marketing Service

Internet Marketing Service

Internet Marketing Service can mean many things. It is the way of advertising your business on- line.  Also known as content marketing, internet marketing is the process of promoting your business, brand, products and/or services on the worldwide web.

Internet marketing a broad term that can include video, content, emails, photography, blogs and more.  The more in our case is also using broadcast media as part of your advertising.  More on that later.

On-Line Content Creation

The key today is consistent content creation that puts your message out to your audience as often as possible.  Some do posts daily, with what the special is that day.  Others, pick a day or two and schedule content that educates and informs the prospect.  It is not just about sell, sell, sell. It is about the Why.  Why does your product help solve my problem.  How else can I use it?  These are all part of the branding process and understanding your costumer.

internet marketing service

From Blogs to Posts

When using the web as your marketing tool, there are many factors.  You are after content that the search engines like Google sees to show your websites relevance and the social media side of reaching your audience.  Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google My Business are all part of the mix.  Having a handle on consistent content is a job. 

 What kind of content works well with Internet Marketing Service

* Videos are engaging, entertaining, and they connect with the prospect.  Consistent content helping your customer, for example create a series that covers many topics: 5 ways to use our product to save time and money.   Top ten reasons our product works.  These are hype style videos that work for a number of reasons.  1) You are sharing how to use your product.  2) Not selling but informing.  Push out a video like this every week.  

People want to know more about you and your business.  In addition to the hype style videos, mix in Video Profiles of your staff.  Have your audience get to know what is going on behind the scenes.  People eat this up.  Why, people like watching and knowing how something is done.  From how the widget is made to how the fudge or beer is made.  AND, who does it.  We are making a connection here.  

Instructional videos can impact your audience in many ways.  Take the healthcare industry.  There are a ton of articles on how to loose weight.  If you are a doctor then having videos of you providing knowledge in an easy to understand way goes a long way in turning the prospect into a customer.  Taking it a step further, having members of the nursing staff or your traditionalist produce videos on cooking tips and tips to help.  This approach fills up your youtube channel with quality content it also provides information for your blog articles, social media posts and more.

Video testimonials are another important part of your video mix.  Customer Testimonials, Video Testimonials.

Using LIVE video on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube is another good way to connect.

* Info Graphics, Memes are another great way to continue your marketing message.  Infographics can be engaging, fun, educational and a wonderful way to visually present your information.

These can include: charts, graphs, pictures, and illustrations. More important these are easy to understand and visual.  Here is a basic infographic.

internet marketing service

Let’s not forget memes.  Using imagery to engage in more often than not in a funny way.  We have even used video memes to share content about DW Video.  See video meme below.

*Blog Posts help with SEO.  If you have not seen it yet.  Videos, Infographics and content all come together in blog posts.  A good rule of thumb is to write 300-600 words for each of your blogs.  Focus on the main keyword message and educate.

About Duane

Duane Weed is a content producer for DW Video.  With a focus on promoting Michigan based companies he enjoys helping businesses from everywhere. Have a question or need assistance reach out by calling 231-250-9624.

Video Blogs produced by DW Video:  Buy Local Michigan  Welcome to my basement Jus Jammin  MI Basement Session

Create your own Video Memes with quotes, helpful tips, information that your audience will engage with.

Video Marketing Secrets

Video Marketing Secrets

One of the greatest Video Marketing Secrets is Volume one, Volume Two etc. The more videos you make, the better.

Many times I have spoken on feeding the beast, the search engine beast.  Feed it with content.  Quality content that your prospects and customers need.  Content about how to use your services.  Like with me, how to use video and some video marketing secrets that will help your business grow.

Some more video marketing secrets include: New videos should be posted on a regular schedule. Why do this, it is simple, so that your customers will expect new content from you. Get them following you.  Teach them, train them and they will see you as the expert in your field.  This makes it easier to sell your products and services to them.

Video Marketing SecretsIn our blog about making a video blog I touched on:

1) Know Your Audience.
2) Add humor when possible.
3) Talk to the people, not at them.
4) Pay attention to audio.
5) Blogging is a series.  Part 1, Part 2, etc.
6) Good Composition and Framing.
7) Keep it as short as you can based on the content.
8) Share-Use the social media platform that works best for your business and SHARE!
9) Use Local Video Marketing Techniques to help your videos rank.
10) Call Duane at 231-937-5420 if you have questions or need DW Video to assist.

Video Marketing Secrets is Volume one, Volume Two, Volume three and so on.  Use your expertise and feed the search engine beast with content.  And fee your prospects with information to help them.

For all your video and media production needs, call me, Duane at 231-937-5420 (this line does not accept text messages). Here to help you succeed.  Remember to buy and shop locally!


Business Video Marketing

Business Video Marketing is all around us.  On websites, social media sites, at our desk and on the road.  The power of video sells, informs and trains your prospects and customers 24-7.

At DW Video we use Local Video Marketing techniques to take the video experience to an all new level. Local Video Marketing is getting your video ranked on Google.  Using techniques to have videos show up among the other search results.  The thumbnail image stands out on the page among your competitors basic line listing.  Want to take control of a geographic area – give Duane a call to discuss what it will take to rank your business 231-937-5420.  Examples below showing what we mean about ranking video in Google search – Actual results.

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Video%20Marketing” rel=”0″]


Business Video Marketing

Local Business Video Marketing

For your business DW Video uses a variety of video styles to tell and share your story.  Here are just a few ways that Business Video Marketing can work for you:

Video Testimonials from your customers: One of the most powerful ways to sell your products and services.

Success Story Videos: Showing how a customer used your product or service in a real world application.  Very similar to Video Testimonial.

Man on the street Videos: Usually these type of videos are used to promote an event or cover an issue surrounding a community.

Product Demonstration and Presentation Videos: These videos cover the benefits your product offers and how to use the product in everyday situations.

Corporate Videos:  These are ideal for a home page for a company – intended to give new visitors to a website a better idea of the company, the services and who they are.

Facilities and/or equipment tour videos: Here is where we use Virtual Tours to provide the visitor an inside look at your business.  From corporate facilities to local hotesl, resturants, breweries and retail shops.  These virtual tours can be powerful attention to your website and mobile experience.

Safety and Training Videos: Video is an ideal way to train people on the proper way of doing a task – service, support, sales, personal development etc. Safety and Training videos continues to be one of the best uses of video and are a cost effective substitute for in-class training.

 Commercials: Broadcast television commercials for local, regional and national audiences are a great way to market your business.  This is not a low cost venture.  A popular use of commercials that is growing are in-theater advertising.

Recruitment Videos: Recruitment videos feature company employees, highlight corporate culture and promote the direction of the company can be very influential.  Often time we suggest interviewing top executives and staff members to get the true flavor of the business.

Resume Videos:  Stand out in the crowd.  Set yourself apart from the rest of the job seekers.  We need to talk about this one.  Exciting possibilities.

local video business ranking

Client: Stingray Advisory Group. Keyword: Business Plans. Geographic Area: Caledonia.
Results: Ranked four on Page One

local video big rapids

Client: DW Video. Keyword: Video Production. Geographic Area: Big Rapids.
Results: Ranked One on Page One

The list goes on and on: In Store Videos, Video Blog, Event Video, Community Relations Video, Press Release videos… By now you have the idea… Business Video Marketing: VIDEO MEANS BUSINESS FOR YOU!

At DW Video we pride ourselves in local Business Video Marketing.  With our Buy Local Video Profiles, Buy Local TV and Buy Local Michigan Video Blog we are promoting Michigan Businesses, Communities and People.

Since 1984 Duane has been working with Michigan businesses and is standing by to work with your yours.  It all begins with a conversation.  Call 231-937-5420.


Education is everything.  According to FORBES here are five things your business should do with video.  Then Call Duane to get it done.

It is all about the look and feel of a video. Entrepreneur dot com has a great article on what to wear when producing a video.

Why you cannot afford not to do video, another article from Entrepreneur.  A good investment and not as costly as one would think.  Contact Duane 231-937-5420.

local video tire service

Client: JIS Tire. Keyword: Tire Service. Geographic Area: Sand Lake Michigan
Results: Ranked One on Page Two


Best way to use YouTube video links

Sharing YouTube Links

The not so good way to use use Youtube Video Links.

Best way to use YouTube video links. Today, we are lazy and look for the quick way to get our information out. Are you lazy – scroll down to get the answer.

Was at a meeting the other day.  Casey ask Cal to send him some YouTube links.  How many of you have done this?  You get the URL link and place it into an email and send it off.  Sounds simple and easy.  Well lets look at what you potential have done. STOP – what have we really done here?  We all have watched videos and at the end up pops twelve more ‘Suggested Video’ for us to look at.  Can I say SQUIRREL.  We click and are gone.  Right there in front of us is our competition.  We have with one simple click put our competitors in front of our audience.  Shame on us! This is not the best way to use YouTube video links.

What is the Best way to use YouTube video links?

Before I give you a simple way to share your videos. We all want more traffic to our website.  We want to drive people to our site so we increase our brand.  Plus bringing them to our website over a YouTube Channel personalizes our message.

Use YouTube Links

Embed your videos within our website and use that UrL when sharing videos.

So here is the best way to use YouTube video links.  Ready….

Create a page on your website and embed the video within this page.  Write and create content for this page that represents the benefits you provide.  The really cool part of this – the prospect is on YOUR WEBSITE!!!!

Now when you send out a link to your video or videos they are within your website.  Here is another free tip.  If you are using WordPress there is a plug in that allows you to block the suggested videos that come up at the end.   It is nice because there is a check box that that state ‘Disable Related Video Content’. Once the video is complete it goes back to your thumbnail.  This simple tips makes you look very professional.

Do not give your prospects a chance to go else where.  Direct them to your website.  Turn them from a prospect to a customer.

Contact Duane today at 231-937-5420.  We are ready to produce videos for you.


youtube bad practice

Bad practice when sharing just the You Tube URL. Suggested videos gives your prospects a reason to leave you.

YouTube Short Code

WordPress has a great plugin that allows you to block related videos.



Video marketing using YouTube


Dr. Harpreet Singh had DW Video produce over 80 videos in six months to build their YouTube Channel.

West Michigan needs to use video marketing to build an audience, build trust and credibility. These are three very important reasons to use video marketing in your business, school, church and non-profit. Everyone has a story to tell. Video marketing is an ideal way to tell it. DW Video is your resource – 231-937-5420.

As we know YouTube is everywhere. YouTube as we know, is a huge search engine and social media gathering place. Do you want to get noticed by potential clients? Do you want to build a connection with them? Video Marketing is the answer.

Today, YouTube has changed how we watch video and how video can be used to market your business, demonstrate your product and inform your audience… turning prospects into customers.

With Video Marketing, content is KING. At DW Video, so many of our videos over the past few years have become simpler and more cost-effective. Dr, Harpreet Singh approached us in the fall of 2013. He wanted to inform and educate patients. Not only with through educational content but through the power of the video testimonial. In less than six months we produced nearly 80 videos on YouTube (VitalChecklist) as our platform for distribution. We are using YouTube to support, and other sites currently being worked on now.

It is important to Dr. Singh to reach out to his audience which includes Patients, Students and Medical Professionals. The audience for his video marketing content is huge on-line. The key element in the ‘rules according to Duane’ is to keep it personal. People want to get to know you. Personalize, educate and through this process turn prospects into customers. Get people to like you and follow your content. This is why video is so powerful for you and your business.


Grand Rapids Inventors Network YouTube Channel.

I like doing business with people I know and trust. Video marketing allows an opportunity for you to do just that. It is about sharing your knowledge. Making it real. It is about credibility. It is okay to be a little rough around the edges. Just be you.

In closing, people like stories that are to be continued. Do not give away all your knowledge in one video. Share it over many videos. Build up your youtube channel with content that is helpful for your audience.

Michigan, I am here to help you. Give me a call at 231-937-5420. There is no charge for the initial consultation. Heck, we have to get to know you better to be able to help. This way we can tell your story.




Related Content:

Using Video Successfully – Dr. Singh

Grand Rapids Inventors Network

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