Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO

Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO

Ready to help you with all your video and media needs –

Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO – Oh My!  Working your site, providing information to your customers and prospects is hard work.  Since April 1, 2014 I have been on a mission. A mission of learning, planning, adapting, modifying, all in an attempt to bring in more traffic to my site and increase my customer base.

My goal is to see what can be done on the organic side by creating the following: Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO .  If you remember from my 90 day challenge – one blog post a day for 90 days all aimed at increasing my rankings in the search engines in the market area I reach. Using WordPress tools to see what I can do on my own.

So many of us have this ideal, it is to expensive to pay someone, I will do it myself attitude… heck, I do.  However from April 1 to now here is a rough breakdown.  April 1 to July 1 estimate two hours per post.  NOTE:A few took 30 minutes while others were 1.5 to 2.5 hours to write.  180 hours.  From our SEO report we saw positive results and then embarked into still having a blog post everyday but also adding Landing pages per community and service we offer.  From July 1 to July 17 created five new landing pages estimate 1.5 hours each and 12 blog post averaging 1-1.5 hours each.  In addition to working the landing pages I re-edited eight videos so far targeting points in Michigan – about 12 hours.  SO, you want to do it yourself… great.  Be prepared for long hours after your regular day job is complete.

What we at DW Video are suggesting to our customers is this.  One, have us create your initial site and make sure the foundation is solid and friendly with google,  Then you begin blogging based on your keywords and target area.  Then in the meantime begin adding select Landing Pages for direct reach.  With WordPress we can give you the basic guidelines and show you how to begin.  Then you can take it from there.  DW Video is then in a standby mode to aid you if there are problems.  We are your team… ready to help.

To get started with a website you can manage call Duane at 231-937-5420 or fill out the below form and we will get back to you. We are here to help.

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


Helpful Articles for the do it yourself Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO person:

Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords

Landing Page

Reviewed Google Analytics

90 Day Challenge

WordPress Blog and SEO

Google Analytics

WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin

WordPress SEO by Yoast Page Analysis

WordPress SEO by Yoast Page Analysis aids in making your blog post SEO friendly.

I talked before about the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin.  As I write my blog I reference the analysis section to help me. Please note – to see the changes you must ‘Save Draft’ fist.

This info was from a recent post.  By using the analysis on the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin I am able to get the following information:

The keyword density is 0.85%, which is a bit low, the keyword was found 3 times.
The page title contains 21 characters, which is less than the recommended minimum of 40 characters. Use the space to add keyword variations or create compelling call-to-action copy.
No subheading tags (like an H2) appear in the copy.
The keyword / phrase appears in the URL for this page.
The images on this page contain alt tags with the target keyword / phrase.
This page has 1 outbound link(s).
The copy scores 85.1 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered easy to read.
You’ve never used this focus keyword before, very good.
The page title contains keyword / phrase, at the beginning which is considered to improve rankings.
In the specified meta description, consider: How does it compare to the competition? Could it be made more appealing?
The meta description contains the primary keyword / phrase.
There are 358 words contained in the body copy, this is more than the 300 word recommended minimum.
The keyword appears in the first paragraph of the copy.


WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin I aim for a GREEN light.

WordPress SEO by Yoast Schedule

WordPress SEO by Yoast Scheduler is a great tool to work ahead.

Now, I am not an expert, however I am trying to make sure my keywords are being seen.  Over use will get you a red flag which is also helpful.

The WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin likes images with alt tags.

Likes a good word count.

Enjoys outbound links.

Does your page title include the key word or keyword phrase – important.

Has this keyword been used before.

This section I call the guideline area.  There are times I get a ‘green’ light with less or in this case more words than what is recommend.  Again good guidelines to follow.

Duane is a video/media producer for DW Video & Multimedia, LLC from Howard City, Michigan.  Serving West Central Michigan since 1984.  Contact at 231-937-5420 to get started with your WordPress Blog.  Happy writing.

WordPress SEO by Yoast Schedule Page

From your panel you see what is Published and what is Scheduled.



Michigan Businesses use Search Engine Back Links on YouTube-Blogs-Social Media


SEO back links

SEO Marketing Strategies

Search engine back links on YouTube, on your Blog and/or Social Media sites is part of a good marketing plan

Include a link to your site

Imagine people on your YouTube site, they watch your video and there is no call to action, no way to contact you.  Now, awake from that nightmare. You do not put the time and effort into a video and marketing just for fun.  You do it to attract, educate, inform and sell your products and services.  Make sure once the video is complete you provide more details in your description for people to learn more.  It is very important to include a link to your site or landing page within your video description. You need to direct the flow of traffic to your site.  Let us not forget to add your business name, telephone number and address in the description and profile pages.

Back link to your videos

According to Creative Guerrilla Marketing, “Back links are as important for videos as they are for web pages. Creating search engine back links to your videos can be a very effective strategy for enhancing their search engine ranking. Therefore, whenever you write blog posts and articles, be sure to insert links to relevant videos. However, your focus should not be on quantity but quality. Make sure your links only appear in credible and well ranked sites. In addition, remember to share links to your videos in various social media networks.”


Contact Duane Weed at (231) 937-5420, to help in telling your story.

Market with a YouTube Channel

Buy Local Videos tell your story

Telling Your Story

Manufacturing Videos



websites social value

What is a websites social value? Getting a user to return frequently is important.  The goal is to find ways to focus on the prospects needs and serve them with content. As a result, you’ll get the kind of ‘stickiness’ on your website that will bring people back.

[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”websites%20social%20value” rel=”0″]

One way video can help is to have your videos transcribed and then place text content on your web page underneath your video. This way users and search engines can read the content. If someone can’t turn the sound on because they are at work, they can still get the information.  This can be time consuming, however for SEO… it may be worth it.  Note: this is on our to do list for testing – more later.

websites social factor

Found some good information on this website

Video Means Business – Having a Buy Local Video Profile produced for each of your key personal goes along way in building trust with prospects and keeping eyes on your site longer. What do we mean?  While a person is watching your video they are staying on your website.  By doing this they are looking at other elements of your site.  Keeping them on your site while they get to know you, your business and your products and services.  Goes along way in making the sale.

By using the video profile you share your story.  This can include new product announcements, equipment updates, new services being added to your business, video testimonials and much more.  Your story is told in a clean, professional and compelling way… all the while creating your websites social value.

A websites social value can mean people today want to get to know you before doing business with you.  It is hard in this fast pace world of media.  It is not always a Buy Local world, however it needs to be.  Customers supporting local businesses also support the infistructure of fire, police and road maintenance. Buying local supports schools and local clubs, events and churches.  Buying local keeps monies in your community, helps businesses grow, which in turn helps drive the local economy and good will.  Without local customers supporting businesses… the roads deterioate, schools cut programs, fire and police departments.  Businesses give when they are supported.

As a business you need to tell your story.  The Buy Local Video Profile does that on your website, social media sites, broadcast commercials and on DVD.


Related Information: WordTracker 

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