Local Video Marketing-Grand Rapids-Big Rapids-West Michigan

Local Video Marketing services provided by Duane at DW Video & Multimedia work to sell, train and educate your prospect and customer. Call Duane at 231-937-5420.

Did you know that every day, people watch over 500 years’ worth of YouTube videos on Facebook?

Or that each minute, over 700 videos are shared through Twitter?

Video has become a cultural phenomenon. More and more companies are using on-line video as a powerful way to connect with their prospects and customers.  With our Local Video Marketing we work with you to get your videos found in the market area you serve.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/PW48eNzfMyg” title=”Local%20Video%20Marketing” rel=”0″]


Imagine telling your company story in a way that shows viewers who you are, what you do and what your offer is. The offer is key, your call to action is to pick up the phone and call.  ATTENTION: Call me (Duane) at 231-937-5420 to learn about my FREE video offer.

local video marketingNew Product-Services videos convey specific key ideas and or features of a product or service.  The Buy Local Video Profile is an interview-driven video that captures the emotions and feeling your staff, suppliers and customers have for your business.

Call DW Video today 231-937-5420. Let’s talk about how we can put local video marketing to work for you. And when you do, be sure to ask about my free video offer. My name is Duane and I look forward to helping you.

For more information on Local Video Marketing check out Reel SEO.

Forbes has some good tips on video marketing.

Check out Entrepreneur for more info on Local Video Marketing.

DW Video is a full service video production company serving Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Muskegeon, Grand Haven, Greenville, Rockford, Newaygo, and all of West Michigan.

Follow more Michigan stories on YouTube. While you are there, please subscribe.

Video on Facebook vs You Tube Link

Video on facebookWas wondering the other day what the best way to use video on Facebook.  Here are a couple things I found out.

1) Facebook video does show up in Google search.

2) Posting directly in YouTube increases Google search rankings.

Now, does using a You Tube video link on your business facebook page work better than posting video on facebook direct?  According to business2community.com, video on facebook receive more comments than those via You Tube links. What does that mean to you?  More interaction with your customers and prospects. You can also tag people on Facebook videos.

I will say my research has me scratching my head.  Video on Facebook looks good.  YouTube is a one stop source for video.  Do you want to upload to both?  Do you want to take the time.  Are you using Facebook as your main social page or using other media sites. Facebook maybe more work than what you want to give to this.  YouTube videos are great for overall social media integration.

What I find useful is a combination of video on Facebook and You Tube Videos.  Putting my videos on DW Video You Tube Channel is my first step. Then placing certain ones on my dwvideomultimedia Facebook page is the next.

DW Video is ready to tell your story – contact Duane today 231-937-5420.


Video Blogging

video-blogging-camera-setupVideo Blogging is a path DW Video is on with our upcoming series promoting Michigan.  It is an exciting time here in the studio.  Talking with guest for the show and making connections.

In yesterday’s blog we discussed some basic audio and video equipment to get you started in video blogging.

LIGHTING: With today’s cameras (even the cheap ones) are usually good enough under available lighting for YouTube.  However, when you are setting up space to do your video blogging keep one thing in mind.  Think like the viewer.  Would you like to see a dark, low light image of person talking to you?  It does not take much with the cameras of today to get a nice looking image.  The same goes for using to much light.  Test it.  Read up on low cost lighting.  A nice softbox will take care of most of your needs.

EDITING: I am not going to get in a Mac vs PC contest here.  Both are excellent for video blogging.  It comes down to your technical ability.  I use Sony Vegas and LOVE it.  However, I edit for a living and need the power Vegas provides me.  Do some research.  YouTube is full of how to tips for any software out there. Video Blogging is all about keeping it simple.  For our upcoming video blog we are doing just that.  However, because we are doing it in the studio I will use a three camera set up.  One wide shot, one on the host and one on the guest. This may change as we move forward – adapt and modify is my slogan.

If you do not want to be on camera maybe producing a slideshow style production with images, screen capture and narration is the answer. Software like Camtasia for capturing your computer screen and editing is one choice.  I believe you should be on-camera.  You are the expert, people connect better when they can see you.

Here is a tip I picked up at  Social Media Examiner  “For YouTube, make sure your URL is the first line in the description of the video. This will make it easy for people to locate and visit your site.

broadcast media ‘LIKE US ON FACEBOOK’ – For all your video and media production needs give Duane a call at 231-937-5420.  Connect with Duane on Linkedin.


Producing video testimonials


Producing Video Testimonials for GRIN… “these are affordable”, states DW Video Owner Duane Weed.

At DW Video we love producing video testimonials and promoting Michigan.  We are working with the Grand Rapids Inventors Network promoting the organization and its members. “Developing a product is a marathon” states John a member of the Grand Rapids Inventors Network. John a Michigan inventor (Johnny Ball) believes you have to believe in your product 100 percent and not give up. The networking possibilities are a great benefit of the organization.

Our approach when producing video testimonials is to keep it real.  These do not have to be expensive and in the case for how we produced the videos for GRIN, the production is hundreds of dollars… not thousands.  Here is the video we produced:

Grand Rapids Inventors Network helps Johnny Ball

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/l-LYaEfr5rs” title=”Johnny%20Ball” rel=”0″]


The goal for GRIN is to build their YouTube Channel and provide a platform not only for the organization and the members.

video production servicesFollow DW Video on facebook, Connect with Duane on Linkedin and check out our blog. At DW Video we provide Video and Media services all over Michigan including the cities of Grand Rapids, Rockford, Reed City, NewaygoMuskegonMount PleasantGreenvilleFremont and Cedar Springs.


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Video Story Telling


DW Video Film Transfer Service


All work done in-house, taking great care of your precious memories.

DW Video film transfer service provides a way to capture your precious memories and share them with others.

We transfer 8mm, super 8mm and 16mm film to DVD. A DVD can hold around 1600 feet per two hour DVD.  With our DVD process we will have each reel as part of a scene selection to make it easy to find just the right memory when you want to bring the past to life. In addition bring in a photo or email one and we will add it to the DVD label.  Always nice to have a family image on the DVD that represents the year(s) of the film. Or a photo of the homestead.  Bring back the memories.

Since 1984 DW Video film transfer service has been bringing the past to life. In addition to transferring your precious memories DW Video also offers a way to preserve your legacy by adding narrative that tells the story of your family history. Can add titles for $3 each. Whatever you need we will help make your memory special.  Ideal for the kids, grandkids, and future generations.

It is so important to share the memories.  That is why at DW Video we provide DVD copies for only $3.00 each. For the gift you cannot find in a store.  Call 231-937-5420.


Here is a tech tip for your videotapes.  Videotape will not last forever – check out this video.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/DvYOR8Wmk38″ title=”video%20to%20dvd%20tech%20tip” rel=”0″]






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