Producing testimonial videos

We are at it again producing testimonial videos for the Grand Rapids Inventors Network or GRIN for short.  This time our mission was to have the members share their experiences.  Who sells your business and organization better than a customer or member?

At one of the monthly meetings we set up and interviewed six members about why they are members of the Grand Rapids Inventors Network.  I am impressed with the golden nuggets that came out of these members.  In the past I have shared the importance of keeping the testimonials real.  When producing testimonials videos, ask the right questions and wow, we cannot write this any better.

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Lynn talks about how marketing her product Splash Count and how GRIN has helped her.


Brenda B shares her experience with the Grand Rapids Inventors Network and her product from BeachFit.

Producing testimonial videos provide your organization with an opportunity to build trust with prospective customers and prospects.  Video Testimonials strengthen relationships with existing customers and help turn prospects into customers.

I personally love producing testimonials videos because they are real people speaking in their own words about why they like your product, service and/or organization.  There is a powerful tone to have a person sharing from their heart about you.  In the case of the GRIN the members share how the organization has helped them.

Here are a few questions to ask when producing testimonial videos:

What has the business/organization done for you and why?
What was the obstacle was achieved by using this product and/or service?
What was the benefit of buying this product?
Were their any specific feature(s) did you like most about this product?
Why did you need this product/service and how did it help you?
Would you recommend this product? If so, why?

And lets not forget to ask, Is there anything you’d like to add?

At DW Video we are here to help tell your story.  Servicing Big Rapids, Fremont, Newaygo, Rockford, Greenville, Reed City and all of West Central Michigan.  Contact Duane at 231-937-5420 and lets discuss your video and media production needs.

Related Content: Video Means Business

Seminar Videos

seminar videos youtube

Produce your seminar videos and use YouTube as a platform to reach your audience.

Seminar Videos are one way you can share your expertise to prospects and customers.  Lately we have been doing a lot of work in the health care area, however the concepts go to any business.

When we say seminar videos this can mean a number of things.  One, you do not need to go out on a speaking tour and have DW Video capture all your seminars.  Sidenote: Yes, we can do this if you are a keynote speaker.  Second, The seminar videos can be done in your place of business or at our studio in Howard City. It is all about feeding the Google Beast, your prospects and customers with good quality information.

These videos do not need to be expensive and done with a high production budget. They need to be clean with excellent audio. Meaning, do not use the camera microphone, use a lav or overhead mics to capture the audio.

John Hopkins Medicine uses seminar videos to inform and educate. Creation Today uses seminar videos to provide information to their prospects as well. Dr. Harpreet Singh, a local doctor with a mission.  Educated patients are informed patients.

It does not matter what you are selling.  Think about video as a chapter in a book.  You need many chapters per topic.  So what am I saying?  Take a seminar that may be a half hour in length and turn it into a series.  For example I recently took a seminar by Dr. Singh and made twelve videos from the one seminar.

Why would I do that?  Remember the google beast.  It needs to be fed often.  So having many videos from your site on a topic is better than one long video. Plus and very important, attention span.

Duane Weed, Video Producer for DW Video & Multimedia, LLC creates videos for businesses to share their story.  Promotional, Instructional, Training, Testimonials, Video Profiles, Marketing and Brand Identity Videos.  Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.

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Preserve videotape memories by transferring to DVD


Preserve videotape memories by transferring-to DVD.


Preserve videotape memories by transferring to DVD and making copies to share with family and friends.

Preserve videotape memories by transferring to DVD is an ideal way to share those memories with family and friends. What a great birthday, anniversary and Christmas gift. This is one gift you can not find in a store. Heck, it is right there in your closet, under the TV or stored in a box somewhere.
At DW Video we can get up to 2 hours onto a DVD.

Unlike some box stores we can combine multiple tapes onto one DVD. The key is as long as the time does not exceed two hours in length. We know people do not always fill up the videotape. For example, one time I had a lady bring in well over one hundred videotapes – VHS, VHS-C and Mini-DV. There was anywhere from 2 minutes to 4 hours on each tape. NOTE: Four hours meant it was not recorded in the 2-hour mode. These had to be put on two separate DVDs. Remember, only two hours per DVD. Back to the story…. She had every tape numbered in the order she wanted. Each tape was put on as to maximize the two hour DVD. Meaning some tapes had three, four sometimes up to six tapes on one DVD. The first two tapes are at $25.00. The base price for our Video to DVD Transfer. Then $5 per additional tape. The project of over 100 DVD’s made 30-40 DVD’s.

Preserve videotape memories by transferring to DVD with our in-house transfer service. We can transfer the following videotape formats to DVD: Betacam, BetaCamSP, VHS (NTSC, PAL, or SECAM), SVHS, VHS-C, 8mm, Hi-8, Digital8, miniDV, DVCam, 3/4″ (U-Matic). DW Video can also tape your files from your newer video cameras and make DVD’s for you. Do you have home videos, corporate videos, wedding videos, training videos, sports highlights, dance recitals and more.


All video formats transferred to DVD… Even BetacamSP.


Making a DVD menu to easily find your videos.

Contact Duane today for all your video and multimedia needs. 231-937-5420. At DW Video and Multimedia we service Michigan with a highlight on Big Rapids, Greenville, Rockford, Fremont, Newaygo, Grant, Cedar Springs, Howard City, Lakeview, Edmore, Stanton, Reed City… basically all of west central Michigan.



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Transferring videotape to DVD

Transferring videotape to DVD and sharing with others is a great gift idea.  A way to preserve those memories and pass along to others.


Do you even have a videotapes player? Videotapes may not last forever. Transfer them to DVD to preserve and share.

Videotape will not last forever This weeks Buy Local Minute we will deal with transferring your videotapes to DVD. Videotapes will not last forever. I experienced this first hand with a recent order. Videotapes from 1985 that had not been played in a long time. Precious memories that could not be replace. The problem: the tape had been deteriorating and sticking to itself. Meaning it would not play. After a few days of working with the tapes I was finally able to get them to play all the way through. Get with DW Video today and have us transfer your videotapes to DVD. Remember to shop and buy locally.

Great memories are meant to be relived and shared. Transferring videotape to DVD at DW Video is your solution.

– The footage from videotape no longer breaks down.

– Videos become easy to watch. Do you even have a VCR?

Give Duane a call 231-937-5420.  


[youtube_sc url=”” title=”video%20to%20dvd%20transfer” rel=”0″]


DW Video serves the communities of Cedar Spring, Greenville, Rockford, Kent City, Sparta, Fremont, Newaygo, Big Rapids, Canadian Lakes and all of West Michigan.


Grand Rapids Inventors


Grand Rapids Inventors share their experience with GRIN.


Members come from all over West Michigan.

Attention Grand Rapids Inventors, we welcome you to join us as you begin to take a journey from idea to market.  GRIN, as many in the Grand Rapids Inventors Network call it is a growing group of individuals that have invented something and now need help with manufacturing, obtaining a patent, getting funding, marketing, Amazon and more.

As the name states it is more than just Grand Rapids Inventors.  Coming from Big Rapids, Howard City, Rockford, Grand Haven and Muskegon are just a few of the communities GRIN members come from.

I first got involved with GRIN through current President Joe Finkler when I did a couple small projects for his ‘As Seen On TV’ business.  He had heard about me through GRIN member Connie and Bill Larson from Larco Products.  We (DW Video and Joe) began looking at how to market GRIN.  Two videos were produced though having members of the board tell the story of the Grand Rapids Inventors Network.  Here is one of those videos.


[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Grand%20Rapids%20Inventors” rel=”0″]



Grand Rapids Inventors Network is a resource to all who have an idea.


Members share insight that go beyond a scripted production. Keep it real.

Anyone who knows me, knows I like to keep it real.  With social media being a big part of the American public’s routine.  People want to connect with others.  That is the basis of our Buy Local Video Profiles.

We are now marketing GRIN through video testimonials from their members.  At a recent GRIN meeting the process was started – six members shared their story on how GRIN has help them on their inventors journey.  It continues to amaze me the golden nuggets that we get with interviewing members of business and their customers.  Soundbites that are just plain awesome and work to really promote a business, organization, school etc.  We will get a few more and then go into production to produce more videos for YouTube, Social Media and the Grand Rapids Inventors Network website.


GRIN encourages members and provides resources.


No matter what phase of the invention process you are at… GRIN can help.

To all the Grand Rapids Inventors out there – Come attend a meeting  (the first one is free) and find out how they can help you with both your invention idea and with the steps to success as an inventor.  This is a journey and you are not alone.  Why spend thousands of dollars trying to do it yourself.  Reach out to the many mentors that are at every GRIN meeting.  You will be glad you did.

For more information on GRIN visit their website for directions and times.

DW Video is standing by to tell your story.  Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.  

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Grand Rapids Inventors Network

GRIN Video


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