Michigan Buy Local Video Profiles

Michigan Video Profiles

DW Video is the home of Michigan Buy Local Video Profiles.

Welcome to Michigan Buy Local Video Profiles.  No matter what type of business you are in: Corporate, Non-Profit, Retail, Manufacturing, Education, a Church etc. Everyone has a story to tell. The Buy Local Video Profile tells your story 24/7. People like to do business with people they know and trust. They want to hear from you, in your own words. Once produced, use the video on your website, social media sites, for trade shows, mailers and as a TV commercial. One cost, no additional fees, your video to use everywhere. The video is customized to you – call today for a free one-hour consultation to discuss your project.


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Michigan Buy Local Video Profiles are affordable.  Connect with your current customers and prospects.  Call (231) 937-5420 to learn what DW Video and the Buy Local Video Profiles can do for you. Since 1984 video is our business.  

Everyone has a story to tell and we are telling it on Video, the web, DVD and TV.  Promoting your business is what we do.  Put DW Video & Multimedia, LLC and the Creative Team to work for you.

Mackinaw City Video Finalist in 2013 DV Awards


Mackinaw City

Plenty of things to do in Mackinaw City

Mackinaw Chamber

Presenting Dawn Edwards from the Mackinaw Chamber with the 2-13 DV Award.

Producer Director Duane Weed, owner DW Video & Multimedia, LLC in Howard City was recognized for his work on  “Mackinaw, Michigan’s Tourist Destination,” in the 2013 DV Awards. DV Awards is an international competition recognizing outstanding achievement in digital video.

DW Video was contracted by Sygnifi Networks and Greg Troin to produce the Mackinaw community tourist video.

According to Troin “This was a very exciting project and part of the collaborative marketing initiative, championed by Dawn Edwards, Executive Director of the Mackinaw Chamber.  The video truly showcases the many great reasons to visit the area.  Duane did a super job capturing the essence of why the Mackinaw region is a must see.”

“This was an exciting video shoot for many reasons,” states Duane.  “For one, this video was to Promote Michigan, which I truly have a passion for. And two was able to have my son; daughter and dad help with the on-location digital video along with media producer Frank Krywicki.”

When Mackinaw Chamber’s, Dawn Edwards heard of the award she commented that is great recognition for Duane’s many hours of hard work, (Exploring the Great Up North).” Edwards continues, “This movie evolved into a year round snapshot of the area regardless of weather and other filming challenges. It captured the desire to travel north, relax with the family, explore real history and discover the many area recreational and business opportunities in the Mackinaw City Area.”  

Mackinaw City

What is a trip to Mackinaw without some mouthwatering Fudge?


Duane continues, “What an honor, to be recognized for the work on the Mackinaw project. I would like to thank the Mackinaw Chamber and all the businesses involved with this project.  We put in some very long days, met some wonderful people and captured the beauty only found in Pure Michigan.”  

To view the “Mackinaw…. Michigan’s Tourist Destination” video go to www.dwvideo.com.php56-26.ord1-1.websitetestlink.com and look in the video gallery or go to www.mackinawchamber.com and click on the Video Button.  For more information contact Duane at 231-937-5420.

Mackinaw Pure Michigan

Mackinaw… Michigan’s Tourist Destination. A year round destination.


The Circus is in town-Howard City Michigan

The Circus is in town. Coming to Howard City Michigan.  At DW Video we really enjoy promoting the area – it is our calling and heck… we get paid to do so – Love my Job.   Promoting your business with video is key – promoting your good works is also important.  Tell your story.  Check out this video – ‘The Circus’  Sponsored by J & H Oil.

Business Website

 West Michigan Digital Media Producer Duane Weed shares how to use video in today’s media rich market in this on-line video on why you need a business website.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/W0jm77JpmC8″ ratio=”4:3″ rel=”0″]

In the beginning, video on websites were cool. Today, a website is expected. By 2015 it will be expected for a business to be sell and promote with video! Do Not be the last in your industry to utilize online video marketing… your competition is.

Video comes in all forms: Sales Videos, Marketing Videos, New Product Videos, Company Image Videos, Training Videos, Safety Videos, Broadcast Commercial Videos and Documentary Videos.  AND it is available 24/7 on your computer, laptop, phone and other mobile devices.

Video is a powerful tool. It captures our attention in a very short amount of time.

Within 30 seconds to 2 minutes a custom internet video will promote, entertain and educate your potential customers. They’ll come away knowing more about you, your business, and your products and services. Video offers a sense of comfort with your business. Through video streaming potential customers will have a name… a face…even a voice…and a comfort level with you, before you ever actually meet.

The key to great on-line video is keeping it real.  Connecting with your audience.  At DW Video we provide the real in all of our videos.  We know how to promote and sell you.

When you use video marketing on your website, you are telling your visitors your story.  Inviting them to get to know you and what you do and offer.

Serving West Michigan with quality digital media production: Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Reed City, Muskegon, Grand Haven, Fremont, Newaygo, Greenville, Mount Pleasant, Midland… we service Pure Michigan.

Welcome to DW Video where we are promoting Michigan Business’s, Communities and People.  231 937-5420

The Susan P. Wheatlake Cancer and Wellness Center of Big Rapids has DW Video tell their story

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/OxpZYOYEKJ8″ autoplay=”1″ iv_load_policy=”3″ rel=”0″]

At DW Video we produce all types of videos from corporate, retail to non-profit.  For non-profits it is important to connect with the audience.  In this video founder Susan Wheatlake walks you through the facility and explains what they offer.   Contact DW at 231 937-5420 to tell your story.

At the Wheatlake Center you will find the safe harbor that is so important to cancer patients and their families. Volunteers provide an overview of resources and services to enlighten, encourage and empower those seeking cancer and wellness information and support. Susan Wheatlake cordially invites everyone to visit The Wheatlake Center Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday each week from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. or other times by appointment. The Wheatlake Cancer and Wellness Center is located in the Professional Office Building just east of the main entrance to Mecosta County Medical Center at 705 Oak Street, Big Rapids. Our pink Leadership Mecosta Year of the Dawg statue, “Hope”, welcomes visitors at our entrance.

Knowledge is empowering. Please help us spread the word.

For more information or to donate to the Wheatlake Fund, please contact Tom Hogenson, MCMC Foundation Executive Director at 231.592.4409.

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