Binder Park Zoo – Michigan Video Production

michigan video production binder park zoo

Interviews help tell the story.

michigan video production

Welcome to Binder Park Zoo

A Michigan Video Production Company, DW Video & Multimedia, LLC in this post highlights the Binder Park Zoo near Battle Creek. DW Video’s Buy Local TV series promotes Michigan Businesses, Communities and People. Welcome to Binder Park. Learn first hand some of the exciting things to do for children of all ages. According to Duane, “The GIRAFFE FEEDING is really fun”.

According to Binder Park Zoo’s website, “Binder Park Zoo is a 433-acre zoo that opened in 1977 near Battle Creek, Michigan, in the United States. Binder Park Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Michigan, and features a large array of animals and plants, including the Wild Africa Exhibit.”


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binder park zoo michigan video

Let your people tell the story. Make it real.

wild africa binder park zoo

Feeding the Giraffe’s is a fun time.

Binder Park Zoo a Pure Michigan Video produced by Duane Weed from DW Video & Multimedia in Howard City.  DW Video is Michigan’s Video Production resource.   Looking for a good time.. lets go to the Zoo!  The Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek Michigan.

Since 1984 Duane has been promoting Michigan businesses, communities and people.  Promoting your business, school, non-profit and more with affordable video and media production services.  Contact Duane at 231-937-5420,  Take a moment a fill out the form – we are here to help you.

 Michigan Video Production Services:

Michigan Lighthouses

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Video Services


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