Videos Promoting Michigan Small Business

Videos Promoting Michigan Small Business are ideal to make connections, build trust and turn prospects into customers.  Buy Local Michigan promotes Michigan Businesses, Communities and People.

Shop Small and Small Business Saturday was first observed in Roslindale Village, Massachusetts on November 27, 2010, it is a counterpart to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which feature big box retail and e-commerce stores respectively. By contrast, Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar businesses that are small and local. Small Business Saturday is a registered trademark of American Express corporation.

Buy Local Michigan provides a portal to highlight and spotlight your business with video.

Connect with your customers and prospects 24-7.  Build trust, rank your videos in popular search engines.  Video means business for you.

Promoting Michigan with our Video Blog

promoting michigan video blogPromoting Michigan with our new Video Blog.   My goal with this program is to help promote Michigan Businesses, Communities and People with all they do in our Great Lake State.

The format for our Promoting Michigan Video Blog is to have each episode around 2-3 minutes in length.  We want to get to know you – what you do – and provide a way for our viewers to contact you and of course to do business with you.  Our theme is all about you.  Due to short attention spans on-line, I am keeping the Promoting Michigan Video Blog simple, short and to the point.

Interested in being on the show?  Call me at 231-937-5420.  We will book a time and have you come to our studio and record your interview. Next, provide us with 8-10 photos that represent your business, organization or non-profit.  From there we will edit your segment and provide you a link and embed code to place the video on your website and your social media sites.  I will also place it on my youtube channel and website to help promote you with links back to you.

It is all about being social.  We want you to  ‘LIKE’ our dwvideomultimedia Facebook page – follow us.  Comment on our post about you.  Share DW Video with others.  In this world of social media we need to work together to promote Michigan businesses, communities and people. In turn we want to ‘Like’ your Facebook page and share with others. Teamwork!

For all your video and media production needs remember DW Video & Multimedia at 231-937-5420 today and  schedule your interview on Buy Local Michigan

Need to use our studio or have DW Video produce your VBlogs?  Contact me at 231-937-5420 or connect on Linkedin. 



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