Keeping Kids Safe

Keeping Kids Safe

Keeping Kids Safe online is a film retelling the fable of “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.” The animation teaches children that people online may not be who they seem. Funded by a Merit Grant from The Ferris Foundation, the project is intended to instill behaviors in children that will help prevent them from becoming victims of cyber predators. Students in Assistant Professor of Social Work Elizabeth Post’s class wrote the film’s script. Members of the Alpha Psi Omega Theater Honor Society provided voiceovers. A team from the Music and Entertainment Business program, led by Assistant Professor Paul Kwant, is providing the film’s musical score, and Sports Entertainment Hospitality Management Adjunct Instructor and university Coalition Against Slavery co-chair Karen Kiio provided operational assistance. The video animation was produced by Ferris State University 1983 alum Duane Weed from DW Video in Howard City.   SOURCE:

Keeping Kids Safe online

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(Left to right) Actresses Voca Ford and April Wilson, music supervisor Paul Kwant, project leader Hira Herrington, scriptwriter Alicia Drumm, actor Colin Assink, recording engineer Frank Krywicki Animator-DW Video & Multimedia, producer and director Duane Weed of DW Video & Multimedia and actress Lilia Herdegen are working to produce a video to inform elementary school students about the dangers of cyber predators and gathered for voiceover recording at Ferris’ Music and Entertainment Business Studio.


Cyber Safe Film: Keeping Kids Safe on the Internet

Funded by The Ferris Foundation

Based on Aesop’s fable The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Produced and Directed

DW Video and Multimedia


Frank Krywicki

Executive Producer and Project Coordinator

Hira Herrington, PhD, College of Business


Colin Assink

Voca Ford

Lilia Herdegen

April Wilson


Kathryn Meidt

Professor in Charge of Script

Elizabeth Post, MSW, College of Arts and Sciences


Alicia Drumm

Megan Monroe

Sarah Nestell

Haley Kihn

Music and Sound Supervisor

Paul Kwant, MS, College of Business

Recording Engineer

Steven Schaefer

Music Consultant

Katlin Merby


Patty Terryn

Special thanks to Ferris State University’s Coalition Against Slavery


Karyn Kiio, MS, College of Business

Elizabeth Post, MSW, College of Arts and Sciences

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