What is the cost of video and media productionWhat is the cost of video and media production?  The phone rings with most all the calls begin with: “I need a video on my business”, “I need a website for my business” I have a box of film/slides/videotapes that we need on DVD”.  Followed by ‘What is the cost”?

Typical, I do the same thing.  So why even write an article on it?  Simple, to answer the question of what is the cost of a video and media production project to inform and to educate customers and prospects.

For businesses my standard response is:

1. Who is your audience?
2. Do you have a concept in mind or are you looking to us for guidance?
3. What’s your budget?

You see in order to answer that question, unfortunately we have to ask more questions.  The short answer is we have a Buy Local Video Profile package that for $495 to $595 we can create a video profile of 1-2 minutes.  This means 2-3 hours at your site to record the interview and capture the b-roll needed to support the interview.  Need more time we then add an hourly rate charge.  We know not every video fits into the Buy Local Video Profile box.  We communicate with you and work through the production process.

Some concepts, like the Buy Local Video Profile can be made very simply. However, more complicated projects with high-end visual effects, motion graphics, complicated camera moves take more time, thus cost more.  Knowing your budget before we begin helps in so many ways.  We do not waste time.  We begin creating and fine tuning your concept and outcome.  We realize budget is important, your end result is important.  Communication from the beginning is key to success.  When you hire DW Video & Multimedia, LLC we are not only getting a production.  You are also getting expertise from our creative team.

So what does that mean?  It means if you have a project that costs $12,000 to produce and you only have $5000.  You have to understand we will have to scale back in the production.  Now can we scale back and still meet your needs?  Communication.  I Love Porsche’s.  Does not mean I can run out and get a $50,000 new one.  I may have to settle for one closer to my budget.  I still get the car but not as new.

What is the cost of video and media production is easier for consumer, film transfers and video to DVD.  This is based on exactly what you have.  Knowing how many 50 foot reels you have or how many videotapes and how much time is on each.  Simple to know what is the cost of video and media production project will be.

In our next post “What goes into a video and media production?  We will cover some of the items involved with a production and what some of the big boys charge.

Contact Duane today at 231-937-5420 to discuss your video, website or transfer project.  Thank you!

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