Casey DuBois representing GR Makers in a video commercial produced by Duane Weed for GRIN. Utilized on the web and social media sites.
There’s no doubt that video commercials work on television and that video works on the web. Producing a quality video commercial, company image piece and/or video profile for your website helps keeps eyes and your sit longer and helps tell your story. Video commercials on the web help create as experience for your prospects and customers.
Utilizing good quality video content on-line is an ideal way to connect with people. I have said this many times, “People like to connect with people they know and trust.” Connecting with others and sharing your products and services is key to winning new customers.
Using a variety of videos on your site keeps people interested. Have a short intro video on one page, a video commercial on another, company image on the about us page and a series of video profile videos scattered throughout your site. Not to mention on your social media sites as well. And let us not forget my favorite – The video testimonial.
One person that does a great job in using video profiles, video testimonials and video commercials is Dr. Harpreet Singh.
At DW Video we work with you in telling your story. Is that story a safety video, website video commercial, TV Commercial, training video, company image and more. Contact DW to discuss your project. The initial consultation is FREE. Call 231-937-5420.
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