Using Video Successfully to reach your goals is exactly with Dr. Harpreet Singh is doing. One way to success is to give of yourself. Dr. Singh states, “Don’t tell the patient what to do but tell them WHY to do it. Start with why, develop the trust and patients will have more confidence in you.”
His success is not only based on his ability to listen and understand his patients. It also comes from his willingness to give back. He does this through Patient Education Seminars. These seminar topics include, ‘Lets Crush Smoking Okay”, Diabetes, Shares with you Seven and a half questions to ask your Doctor and many more.
These FREE seminars are at health fairs, nursing homes or in a local business. A knowledgeable patient is an educated patient. He does the VIP approach or as he calls it – Very Important Patient!
Another quote from Dr. Singh includes, “Early To Diagnose and Early to Treat, Makes a Patient’s Life Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!” There is a trend here, education. What is happening with the Patient Education Videos and Patient Experience Videos DW Video produces for him – He is getting new patients, teaching new students and growing his practice.
Need a Doctor, Visit his website.
Success comes from sharing. Share your experience on video – contact Duane today at 231-937-5420. We can help build your brand and your business.
Here are some examples of how DW Video is using video successfully for for Dr. Singh.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Dr%20Singh%20Patient%20Experience%20Video” rel=”0″]
Education Video example.
[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”Dr%20Singh%20Education%20″ rel=”0″]
Lets Crush Smoking OKAY
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Lets%20Crush%20Smoking%20Okay” rel=”0″]
Duane is here to help you – lets talk about your story and get started today – 231-937-5420