There are options in marketing your business and one is using Facebook Page as your website. From Facebook, “Facebook can help you reach all the people who matter most to your business.” Recently DW Video has been ask to set up a couple facebook pages for clients that wanted to use their page as their website. When using Facebook Page as your website here is what we did and it is really easy.
First get your domain name. For the Morley Celebration on the Pond we purchased: and for KJM Productions:
Facebook provides a custom web address as well – “When you set up your Page, you can request a web address like “,” which makes it easy to find. To maximize the impact, include this address on your business card, website and other marketing materials.”
In both of these cases we used GoDaddy for obtaining our domain name. Went into each account and instread of direction the domain name to point to web host. We created a ‘forward’ to point to the custom URL on facebook.
For example: points to and points to
Now these customers can put their personalized website address on their business card.
Now it is important to work the page. Be authentic, Be responsive, Be consistent, Do what works and based on your budget, Make successful posts into successful promotions.
DW Video works with businesses from Caledonia, Grand Rapids, Rockford, Grand Haven, Muskegon, Cedar Springs, Greenville, Big Rapids and all of Michigan. Contact Duane at 231-937-5420 to discuss your your marketing and adverting needs.