Building trust in business is like building trust in life.  We trust in God, we trust in our spouse.  We also know our customers need to trust in us.  Your goal as a business or organizational leader is to provide opportunities to build trust.  How do we do this?  First and foremost, provide the best product and service that you can.  Second, toot your own horn.  Open the gates and share your story with your customers and prospects.

trust in business

Video is a great tool in your toolbox for building trust in business

DW Video provides a great opportunity to build trust in business with our Buy Local Video Profiles. Build trust in business with a series of short video profiles highlighting the key personnel in your businesses.  From the owner, CEO, marketing people, foreman to your sales and service staff.

What is trust in business?  It is about building relationships.  Building a level of confident. Trust is a bi-lateral relationship—one trusts, and the other is the trusted.  Like our relationship with God, his word states he will take care of us, we must trust in him.

Buy Local Video Profiles build trust trough content.  Create meaningful content about your product and services.  Tell your story in a way that differentiate you from your competitors.  Be real – no hype is key to building trust in business.

In a video we produced for the Wheatlake Cancer and Wellness Center  I had Susan provide the opening for the video.  A cancer survivor herself, and the person behind the brand her on-camera open provides trust on business. 


[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”Wheatlake%20Cancer” rel=”0″]


Customer testimonial videos build relationships about your products and the people who use them.  In this example the maintenance manager for Braddock Metallurgical shares how our client ‘Steeltech’ products outlast the competitors.  The approach is real, not an actor, he shares his experience firsthand.  


[youtube_sc url=”” title=”build%20trust%20on%20business%20with%20video” rel=”0″]


Interviewing the engineer that builds the equipment at Reed City Tool as he shares the benefits their press system truly builds trust in business.


[youtube_sc url=”” title=”reed%20city%20tool%20builds%20trust%20in%20business” rel=”0″]


Since 1984 DW Video & Multimedia has been serving the communities of Grand Rapids, Reed City, Big Rapids, Newaygo, Greenville, Mt. Pleasant, Fremont, Rockford and all of West Michigan.  Contact Duane today 231-937-5420.  We are here to help tell your story – call today.




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