Web Based Applications

Web Based Applications For Business, Organizations and Non Profits allow your business to run smoother and more efficient.

Northern Pines Wholesale Rugs and Taxidermy had the team at DW Video create an order processing system to track, monitor and maintain the workflow.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/WarqXz-tJ4w” title=”Web%20Based%20Applications” rel=”0″]


According to TechoPedia, “A web based application is defined as: any program that is accessed over a network connection using HTTP, rather than existing within a device’s memory.

northern pines web based application

For the Northern Pines Taxidermy testimonial on web based applications – we used time-lapse video to help tell the story. Captured one frame every ten seconds.


The ease of which Northern Pines can now input, track and invoice saves many hours of office management time.  With the biggest benefit being, when a customer calls and wants to know the status if their order – within seconds they will know.  Bottom line – Excellent Customer Service.  Did I mention this web based application is set up so the customer has access to a user name and password to track all their orders….. priceless.

Looking for a way to have your business run smoother?  Contact DW Video 231-937-5420 to discuss your project.


Related Topics:  Northern Pines Taxidermy Northern Pines Wholesale Rugging 

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