Video Blogging

video-blogging-camera-setupVideo Blogging is a path DW Video is on with our upcoming series promoting Michigan.  It is an exciting time here in the studio.  Talking with guest for the show and making connections.

In yesterday’s blog we discussed some basic audio and video equipment to get you started in video blogging.

LIGHTING: With today’s cameras (even the cheap ones) are usually good enough under available lighting for YouTube.  However, when you are setting up space to do your video blogging keep one thing in mind.  Think like the viewer.  Would you like to see a dark, low light image of person talking to you?  It does not take much with the cameras of today to get a nice looking image.  The same goes for using to much light.  Test it.  Read up on low cost lighting.  A nice softbox will take care of most of your needs.

EDITING: I am not going to get in a Mac vs PC contest here.  Both are excellent for video blogging.  It comes down to your technical ability.  I use Sony Vegas and LOVE it.  However, I edit for a living and need the power Vegas provides me.  Do some research.  YouTube is full of how to tips for any software out there. Video Blogging is all about keeping it simple.  For our upcoming video blog we are doing just that.  However, because we are doing it in the studio I will use a three camera set up.  One wide shot, one on the host and one on the guest. This may change as we move forward – adapt and modify is my slogan.

If you do not want to be on camera maybe producing a slideshow style production with images, screen capture and narration is the answer. Software like Camtasia for capturing your computer screen and editing is one choice.  I believe you should be on-camera.  You are the expert, people connect better when they can see you.

Here is a tip I picked up at  Social Media Examiner  “For YouTube, make sure your URL is the first line in the description of the video. This will make it easy for people to locate and visit your site.

broadcast media ‘LIKE US ON FACEBOOK’ – For all your video and media production needs give Duane a call at 231-937-5420.  Connect with Duane on Linkedin.


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