non-profit video
When producing a non-profit video it is important to keep it real. This goes along way in educating people about what you do and who you are. It is also important to have the video on the home page and above the fold. Above the fold is the top part of the screen before someone scrolls. Use the impact of video to your advantage and not hide it.
The power of a non-profit video and keeping it real allows the public to connect with a person and your cause.
Here is a couple examples of why you need a non-profit video: 1) Build awareness for your nonprofit. 2) Get others involved as volunteers and activist. and 3) Call to action – you want them to donate.
Here is a common mistake often found in non-profit videos and in others forms as well. People try to put to much information in one video. When you get into really promoting your organization with video think of it as a series of mini chapters. Not one and done.
Well a thought just came into my head. You might be saying well da. You produce video, you want us to produce more videos. Yes, I do produce video. You need a series of videos that are never ending.
Here are some ideas:
Video Profiles on people within your organization. Behind the scenes.
Testimonials from people that have received help from your organization. People like to know where there money is going and seeing success stories builds trust integrity and a bond with you.
Thank you Videos that highlight major events and people you sponsor such as a golf outing, 5K, food drive etc.
Here is a story produced by DW Video on a local non-profit.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”non-profit-video” rel=”0″]
Create a channel and embed the videos within your website. When using social media do not link to the video on You Tube. Create a page that has the video embedded on your site. This brings viewers to your site. Not to YouTube and not to others on YouTube. Keep the prospects and customers focused on you. Also upload the video directly to your Facebook page.
Contact Duane today to discuss how video can work with your non-profit and business. 231-937-5420.
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