by dwvideo | Jun 21, 2014 | blog

When your project needs a little extra – Motion Tracking Video Service
Motion Tracking Video Service for Greenville, Big Rapids, Rockford, Cedar Springs and all of West Michigan. Not far away in Howard City is a local video producer that has been serving the area since 1984. His name, Duane Weed. Producing local videos to support business, schools, industry, retail, non-profits and more is his pride and joy.
One service provided by DW Video is motion graphics and motion tracking. Motion Tracking is where you take an image and track it along a plain giving it a smooth and appealing look.
According to Wikipedia, “In cinematography, match moving (motion tracking) is a cinematic technique that allows the insertion of computer graphics into live-action footage with correct position, scale, orientation, and motion relative to the photographed objects in the shot.
Our Motion Graphic Video Service is customized to meet the needs of our clients. Not everyone needs this service. That is fine. Compare it to the tools in a toolbox. Not every tool is used all the time. However, when you need it is the best tool you have. Offering power and impact to your project.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Greenville%20Michigan%20Motion%20Graphics” rel=”0″]
Producing videos that meet your needs. Contact Duane today at 231-937-5420.
West Michigan Motion Graphics
Video Production Process
Time Lapse Video to Tell Your Story
by dwvideo | Jun 14, 2014 | blog
DW Video provides Big Rapids-Rockford-Greenville-West Michigan Motion Graphics Production. Motion Graphics allow you to tell a story in a more compelling manner. What do you do when you have no video for an upcoming event – check out what Creative Team member Frank Krywicki did on a project.
[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”Motion%20Graphics” rel=”0″]
Motion graphics focuses on helping your businesses communicate your unique product and or services. They are ideal for new product introductions, explainer videos and even video opens with your logo. You can find motion graphics in web videos, television commercials and event videos. They have become part of what today’s audience are used to seeing.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”DW%20Video%20Motion%20Graphics” rel=”0″]

Motion Graphics add impact to any video
Motion graphics are graphics that use digital video and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or a transforming appearance.
Does your next video/website need that something extra? If so you have come to the right place. From a basic Logo motion graphic to complex workings of a machine we can do it all.
At DW Video and Multimedia, we can completely customize motion graphics to fit your video needs.
DW Video provides Big Rapids-Rockford-Greenville-West Michigan Motion Graphics Production. Use motion graphics to draw the viewer into your video. (231) 937-5420