Time Lapse Video – Michigan Winter – Using GoPro Hero3

The winter of 2014 found video producer Duane Weed capturing some stock footage and time lapse video around Michigan.
The winter of 2014 is one we will not forget. It will be remembered for the amount of days schools were closed. The amount of snow and the number of days of cold weather – also called the polar vortex will be in our minds for awhile. During this time I decided to shoot some time lapse videos with my GoPro Hero 3. Time lapse is a series of frames taken at an interval to give you the result you are looking for. When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing.
Like with any effect you do not want to over do it, add Time Lapse Video as at tool for telling a story. Here are a few examples – similar in style – all around our great state of Michigan.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/klPLWi1f_rw” iv_load_policy=”3″]
It may have been cold and windy outside – this Michigan Time Lapse was done over a one hour time frame, Edited with Sony Vegas Pro the slow zoom in was done in editing. The final was put to a buy out music soundtrack.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/mR2klpILu7Q” rel=”0″]
A Michigan Sunrise is beautiful. Editor Duane Weed took this time lapse with the GoPro. During editing added titles and movement to the final video. Then used a buy out music cut to not infringe on copyright issues.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/1pv_A2LVQYI” rel=”0″]
In Frankport there was a storm coming in across Lake Michigan. Using the GoPro set this time lapse for around 45 minutes. Love the cloud action.
Using many techniques to tell a story – Time Lapse Video is a great tool for your storytelling toolbox.
Video Produced by DW Video & Multimedia, LLC
For more information on the Go Pro click here.