Brand your Medical Videos -Big Rapids-Grand Rapids-Greenville

Brand your Medical Videos – Branding is not just for corporations.  Your medical practice is like any other company and should be treated as such.  As a medical specialist you need to keep it personal.  No hype, no fancy jingles… make it real.  No actors, real people, telling real stories.  The Buy Local Video Profile by DW Video & Multimedia, L thLC provides that brand opportunity.

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We are able to brand your medical videos during the video editing process.  It is obvious but when educating patients it is important to provide quality information.  For this video on  multiple sclerosis video I added Dr. Singh’s interview to help build Dr. Singh’s brand.  Wow, anyone with MS or anyone just diagnosed, will need to see this video. Very powerful.

Brand your Medical Videos

Brand your medical videos is key for success

What is branding – it is about your image.  Providing content in a concise, friendly way. This is your image.  At DW Video

Brand your Medical Videos Michigan

Using You Tube as our social media tool.

we are here to tell your story.

How do we do this?

1) Testimonials Videos.  Not to beat a dead horse.  But real people, telling real stories…. your story.

2) Educational Videos. Educate patients and prospects in layman language.  We are not Doctors so talk to us so we understand.







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Provide original content in your video and on your website and social media sites.  Learn more call DW Video 231-937-5420.






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