by dwvideo | Jan 4, 2016 | blog
One of the greatest Video Marketing Secrets is Volume one, Volume Two etc. The more videos you make, the better.
Many times I have spoken on feeding the beast, the search engine beast. Feed it with content. Quality content that your prospects and customers need. Content about how to use your services. Like with me, how to use video and some video marketing secrets that will help your business grow.
Some more video marketing secrets include: New videos should be posted on a regular schedule. Why do this, it is simple, so that your customers will expect new content from you. Get them following you. Teach them, train them and they will see you as the expert in your field. This makes it easier to sell your products and services to them.
In our blog about making a video blog I touched on:
1) Know Your Audience.
2) Add humor when possible.
3) Talk to the people, not at them.
4) Pay attention to audio.
5) Blogging is a series. Part 1, Part 2, etc.
6) Good Composition and Framing.
7) Keep it as short as you can based on the content.
8) Share-Use the social media platform that works best for your business and SHARE!
9) Use Local Video Marketing Techniques to help your videos rank.
10) Call Duane at 231-937-5420 if you have questions or need DW Video to assist.
Video Marketing Secrets is Volume one, Volume Two, Volume three and so on. Use your expertise and feed the search engine beast with content. And fee your prospects with information to help them.
For all your video and media production needs, call me, Duane at 231-937-5420 (this line does not accept text messages). Here to help you succeed. Remember to buy and shop locally!
by dwvideo | Oct 29, 2015 | blog
Promoting Michigan businesses, Buy Local Michigan tells your story and Pure Michigan promotes our state.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Pure%20Michigan” rel=”0″]
The state spends tens of thousands (if not more) dollars to promote the beauty of Michigan and to bring people to visit. I love that Michigan native Tim Allen lends his voice to these and keeps the brand alive.
At DW Video we know your business does not have that budget. You need to promote your products, services and the people that makes your Michigan business unique. That is where I come in. My dislike of negative messages about my state prompted the creation of Buy Local Michigan. Telling real stories about the great people doing wonderful work in the state in which I live, work and play.
By coming in and Promoting Michigan businesses, communities and people, I love Michigan, I love promoting you.
Helpful tips for promoting Michigan Businesses:
1) Do local video marketing techniques for each video on ur Buy Local Michigan You Tube Channel..
2) All videos need a call to action to encourage people to like, rate, comment on and share your videos.
3) Promote on Buy Local Michigan website with content and tags directed at your business. We want people to have direct access to your site and social media sites.
4) Provide you the embed code to place the video on your website. This is all about you. Promote, Promote, Promote
5) Cross promote each other while sharing your story.
Remember to Buy and Shop locally!
by dwvideo | Nov 11, 2014 | blog

Dr. Singh provides free patient education videos and testimonials to build patient loyalty .
What makes us loyal to certain brands and in healthcare what helps with patient loyalty? In today’s world of digital media and marketing we are looking for making it real.
In West Michigan there is a Doctor that is using web site video to expand his message. Dr. Harpreet Singh and the rest of the team at Vital Checklist use video to tell and share their story.
In a recent article I read entitled ‘Patient Loyalty and the Social Media’ Effect, Verkamp, Jamie. The Journal of Medical Practice Management : MPM29.2 (Sep/Oct 2013):96-8.
This article was aimed at the healthcare market but it works in every business. Here are their three tips: 1) Remember who bought dinner. Do we “thank” our patients (customers) after each interaction? Have your staff (sales people, employees) thank your patients (customers) for choosing you upon the close of each part of the office visit. 2) Like the song written by Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills & Nash says ‘Love the one you’re with’. Taking a moment to truly focus on the person in front of us. Wow your patients (customers) by making eye contact. Look around the computer or look up from the chart and take a moment to see patients (customers) on their level. 3) Mi casa es su casa. “My house is your house.” Think about how we treat our “houseguests.” When we welcome new guests to our home, we open the door, introduce them to our family, give them a tour, and offer them refreshments.
As I read the article it was like taking the plays out of Dr. Singh’s playbook. Over the past year we have produced over 90 videos that are used on his facebook page, Vital Checklist, Dr. Singh and iCrush websites
Patient Loyalty, Customer loyalty are important factors in how and why we do business.
Contact Duane at DW Video 231-937-5420 to discuss how we can tell your story. Video Profiles, Customer Testimonials, New Product Introductions and more… we are here to help.
by dwvideo | Jun 13, 2014 | blog

SEO Marketing Strategies
Search engine back links on YouTube, on your Blog and/or Social Media sites is part of a good marketing plan
Include a link to your site
Imagine people on your YouTube site, they watch your video and there is no call to action, no way to contact you. Now, awake from that nightmare. You do not put the time and effort into a video and marketing just for fun. You do it to attract, educate, inform and sell your products and services. Make sure once the video is complete you provide more details in your description for people to learn more. It is very important to include a link to your site or landing page within your video description. You need to direct the flow of traffic to your site. Let us not forget to add your business name, telephone number and address in the description and profile pages.
Back link to your videos
According to Creative Guerrilla Marketing, “Back links are as important for videos as they are for web pages. Creating search engine back links to your videos can be a very effective strategy for enhancing their search engine ranking. Therefore, whenever you write blog posts and articles, be sure to insert links to relevant videos. However, your focus should not be on quantity but quality. Make sure your links only appear in credible and well ranked sites. In addition, remember to share links to your videos in various social media networks.”
Contact Duane Weed at (231) 937-5420, to help in telling your story.
Market with a YouTube Channel
Buy Local Videos tell your story
Telling Your Story
Manufacturing Videos
by dwvideo | Nov 7, 2013 | blog
Video and media producer Duane Weed, DW Video & Multimedia, LLC shares some tips on producing a video testimonial. Duane highlights an excellent example produced for KJM Productions, a Michigan based advertising agency.
Kathy Murphy from KJM Productions has been the advertising agency for Loafers Glory for over 25 years. Joann Camp shares that experience on video. Over the years Kathy has had DW Video shoot and edit videos for Loafers Glory. Within the testimonial we used highlights from these videos to help tell KJM Productions story.
[youtube_sc url=”” autoplay=”1″ rel=”0″]
Your customers have a passion for what you do – at DW Video we capture that passion on video to share on your website, social media, broadcast media and more.
To learn more about what Kathy can do for your business give her a call at KJM Productions (989) 506-0061.
For all your video and media production needs check out