Henry Ford – Surround yourself with people that know more than you
One does not need to be able to do it all – one does need to know how to get the task at hand accomplished. Having a mentor, employees, sub-contractors that know more than you within their expertise is a smart way to do business.
Henry Ford was one of those types. He did not have to know it all. On his desk he had a row of buttons and when a problem, situation or challenge came up, he did not need to have the answer. He did however, need to know what button to push to get the answer.

An Innovator. image belongs to http://static0.therichestimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/hendri-ford.gif
We need to be surrounded by people that know more than us to help us grow – both as a person and a professional.
I have a number of these people within the DW Video ‘Creative Team’. A team of individuals that come together to meet the need of any challenge our customers may have. We work for you. For a couple decades I have followed Mr. Ford’s model… surround yourself with talent people.
We are ready to work for you – DW Video 231-937-5420.