by dwvideo | Jul 22, 2014 | blog

Ready to help you with all your video and media needs –
Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO – Oh My! Working your site, providing information to your customers and prospects is hard work. Since April 1, 2014 I have been on a mission. A mission of learning, planning, adapting, modifying, all in an attempt to bring in more traffic to my site and increase my customer base.
My goal is to see what can be done on the organic side by creating the following: Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO . If you remember from my 90 day challenge – one blog post a day for 90 days all aimed at increasing my rankings in the search engines in the market area I reach. Using WordPress tools to see what I can do on my own.
So many of us have this ideal, it is to expensive to pay someone, I will do it myself attitude… heck, I do. However from April 1 to now here is a rough breakdown. April 1 to July 1 estimate two hours per post. NOTE:A few took 30 minutes while others were 1.5 to 2.5 hours to write. 180 hours. From our SEO report we saw positive results and then embarked into still having a blog post everyday but also adding Landing pages per community and service we offer. From July 1 to July 17 created five new landing pages estimate 1.5 hours each and 12 blog post averaging 1-1.5 hours each. In addition to working the landing pages I re-edited eight videos so far targeting points in Michigan – about 12 hours. SO, you want to do it yourself… great. Be prepared for long hours after your regular day job is complete.
What we at DW Video are suggesting to our customers is this. One, have us create your initial site and make sure the foundation is solid and friendly with google, Then you begin blogging based on your keywords and target area. Then in the meantime begin adding select Landing Pages for direct reach. With WordPress we can give you the basic guidelines and show you how to begin. Then you can take it from there. DW Video is then in a standby mode to aid you if there are problems. We are your team… ready to help.
To get started with a website you can manage call Duane at 231-937-5420 or fill out the below form and we will get back to you. We are here to help.
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Helpful Articles for the do it yourself Blogging-Landing Pages-SEO person:
Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords
Landing Page
Reviewed Google Analytics
90 Day Challenge
WordPress Blog and SEO
Google Analytics
by dwvideo | Jul 16, 2014 | blog

Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords is part of our next 30 day challenge.
The ongoing need to feed the beast I call the Google Monster with Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords. As mentioned earlier the results of my 90 Day Blog/SEO challenge was successful. It showed my site beginning to reach key market areas. For what my business does we could be hired and work anywhere. At times we travel. Realistically my business shines in Michigan. In general terms a number of communities within that area.
For the next 30 days or so my new challenge is building Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords. Consider using location-based searches if your main market is in one region. When searching for a business in your area, search engine users will usually include their location in the search. Otherwise it gives you results from other states, not helpful if you need a roofer now. So, “home roofing contractor” becomes “home roofing contractor in Howard City Michigan. The more detail you put in your search, the better your results if finding what you need.
So that is what I am doing with each major keyword and location in my market area. NOTE: Been told by SEO programmers that Google frowns on using the same content on multiple pages with minor changes. Going back to our ‘home roofing contractor’ we would not place the same info on: ‘home roofing contractor big rapids’ – ‘home roofing contractor reed city’ and ‘home roofing contractor cadillac’ for example. The Google beast loves content, new and fresh content. This is where your time will be spent. Hours and hours working your Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords. Plus do not forget you still need to be blogging as well. Feed the BEAST.
As we journey through the wonderful world of SEO remember there are numerous ways to work our site organically. Please do not get discouraged. This is a marathon. A never-ending marathon. This 30 day challenge of building Landing Pages by Location Based Keywords is only one technique we decided on based on our 90 day analytic report. When will I know if this is a good use of time… 30 – 90 days from now.
My goal is to help you. You first have to begin with a website that has a great foundation. Then and only then can we move forward. This journey is one I am happy to share with you. Learn from my success and failures. Need help on your site? Contact me at 231-937-5420. We can design and build your site, your foundation and then help you along the path. Thank you!
DW Video & Multimedia, LLC is a full service video and media production company located in the quiet country side of Howard City. We service the Michigan communities from Grand Rapids to Grand Haven to Fremont, Big Rapids, Rockford, Greenville, Mount Pleasant, Midland and everything inbetween. Everyone has a story to tell and DW Video is telling it.
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Landing Page
Reviewed Google Analytics
90 Day Challenge
WordPress Blog and SEO
Google Analytics