Grand Rapids Inventors


Grand Rapids Inventors share their experience with GRIN.


Members come from all over West Michigan.

Attention Grand Rapids Inventors, we welcome you to join us as you begin to take a journey from idea to market.  GRIN, as many in the Grand Rapids Inventors Network call it is a growing group of individuals that have invented something and now need help with manufacturing, obtaining a patent, getting funding, marketing, Amazon and more.

As the name states it is more than just Grand Rapids Inventors.  Coming from Big Rapids, Howard City, Rockford, Grand Haven and Muskegon are just a few of the communities GRIN members come from.

I first got involved with GRIN through current President Joe Finkler when I did a couple small projects for his ‘As Seen On TV’ business.  He had heard about me through GRIN member Connie and Bill Larson from Larco Products.  We (DW Video and Joe) began looking at how to market GRIN.  Two videos were produced though having members of the board tell the story of the Grand Rapids Inventors Network.  Here is one of those videos.


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Grand Rapids Inventors Network is a resource to all who have an idea.


Members share insight that go beyond a scripted production. Keep it real.

Anyone who knows me, knows I like to keep it real.  With social media being a big part of the American public’s routine.  People want to connect with others.  That is the basis of our Buy Local Video Profiles.

We are now marketing GRIN through video testimonials from their members.  At a recent GRIN meeting the process was started – six members shared their story on how GRIN has help them on their inventors journey.  It continues to amaze me the golden nuggets that we get with interviewing members of business and their customers.  Soundbites that are just plain awesome and work to really promote a business, organization, school etc.  We will get a few more and then go into production to produce more videos for YouTube, Social Media and the Grand Rapids Inventors Network website.


GRIN encourages members and provides resources.


No matter what phase of the invention process you are at… GRIN can help.

To all the Grand Rapids Inventors out there – Come attend a meeting  (the first one is free) and find out how they can help you with both your invention idea and with the steps to success as an inventor.  This is a journey and you are not alone.  Why spend thousands of dollars trying to do it yourself.  Reach out to the many mentors that are at every GRIN meeting.  You will be glad you did.

For more information on GRIN visit their website for directions and times.

DW Video is standing by to tell your story.  Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.  

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Grand Rapids Inventors Network

GRIN Video


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