What is You Shoot We Edit Video Services

What is You Shoot We Edit Video Services

You Shoot We Edit Video Services. the simple answer is, You Shoot the video, then DW Video does the edit.  In today’s world of connecting with customers a consistent mix of messages need to be sent out on your behalf.  Contact Duane with any questions you may have. 

Shooting the video is usually the easy part.  Especially with the quality coming off today’s phones.  Editing and wrapping your brand message around it, takes time.  Time that may be better spent with you ‘Taking Care of Business’.  

As a video producer our bag of tricks, equipment and techniques is huge.  However, for the most part you may not need all of that. This is where the We Edit part comes into play.  Once you have the video (see Lighting and Composition Tips below) send it to a cloud based platform like Dropbox and share the folder with us.

Our job and what we do best is clean up the edit, add titles, logo and additional b-roll if needed.  You run a business, it may not be a million dollar venture yet, but you need to look professional and have a strong brand identity and message.  

Let’s take a look at Producing Tips for your next video:

  1. Use a Script keep it short and to the point.  people do not want to hear you talk and talk and not get to the point.
  2. Be Concise, the beauty of video is they see what you are teaching.
  3. Audio is 90% of a good video.  Pay close attention to background noise, radios, chatter etc.
  4. Are you doing this in front of background or on-site. What is pleasing to the audience.
  5. Set up your scene: Long Shot or as it is called an establishing shot.  This lets the viewer know where you are. Then use close-ups and medium shots as needed to tell the story.
  6. Use two cameras and sync in editing.  One can be your establishing shot and one covering the close ups.  If you only have one camera, then shoot the scene from multiple angles to get your shots.  Pay close attention to match cuts so the edit is smooth.
  7. Lighting: depending on what you are doing, will natural light work or do you need additional lighting?
  8. Use your script and outline as a guide to make sure you have captured all the shots before leaving the site.
  9. Create additional graphics, animations, images that fit within your script and story.
  10. Edit – putting it all together.  This is time consuming but where you see the video come to life.  From script to real.
  11. Distribution.  Are you streaming this?  Providing DVD’s or on thumb drives?  Setting up a dropbox or similar account that your people can download.

You Shoot We Edit Video Services Tips: (these are not in any order – just good overall tips for shooting better video)

  1. For professional video hold your phone horizontally (landscape mode) so you get the full 1920 X 1080 HD look.
  • Vertical Shooting (portrait mode) is good for video chats and some live social media platforms.  For me, whenever I see a business shoot this way, it looks cheap and not professional. First impressions and your brand are key.
  1.  Frame your shot well.  For the most part frame the objects to the left or right of center.  For example a golfer that is teeing off. Place them more to the side with the open area the direction the ball is going to go.  
  2. If you are shooting for editing later. Using our Golfer as an example. Begin with a WIDE SHOT.  This wide shot is known as the establishing shot – begin back a ways to show the person walking up to the tee off area.  Tells the viewer where you are. Then if you can, re-shoot each scene as a MEDIUM SHOT which may be half as close as the open shot. Showing the person, head to toe as they do their practice swing.  You can see the full swing. Then a CLOSE UP SHOT. This can be of a person’s face, the area near the golf ball as the club head goes by the ball, shot of the hands and the grip. Then maybe a couple EXTREME CLOSE UP SHOTS.  Tight on the ball as it is hit. In tight on their face as they watch where the ball goes. Then back to a WIDE SHOT over their shoulder looking down the fairway to again establish what just happened. 
  3. Resist the urge to over use the zoom. To much zoom and people get motion sickness and it cheapens the look of your production. 
  4. I came up with the term: Slow, Smooth and Steady when teaching High School students how to shoot video.  When you pan (turning the camera left and right) or tilting (looking up or down) do it slowly. Do it with a smooth flow and be steady in your motion.  If you are going for a professional look, remember the three S’s. Slow, Smooth and Steady.
  5. Use a Tripod whenever possible.
  6. Do you want sound with that?  Audio is 90% of a good video. If your viewer cannot hear what you are saying, there is too much wind noise for example this is very distracting. Adding a Lavalier Mic or Shotgun Mic to your camera will take care of most of this.

The closer the camera is to the subject usually the better the audio. 

  1. Be aware of what is in the background.  Pop cans, unwanted posters or messaging, stacks of papers and people can all cause distractions to the viewer. 
  2. LIGHTING – cameras need light, this light adds features to your face.  There are many ways to do this. One big no no is do not place your subject in front of a window.  The backlighting will darken your image. Not using enough light (place in the right places), your video will look like an amateur shot it.  Remember this is your brand you are protecting – do not go cheap on this aspect.
  3.   Practice, Practice, Practice.  This not only goes for shooting the video.  Also pay attention to how you carry yourself on camera.  BTW, most people do not like the way they look on camera BUT, it this is your business, no one sells it better than you.  You are the expert. Take time to feel comfortable in front of the camera. This takes practice. Remember with the You Shoot We Edit approach, take 2 is a good thing.

Accessories to consider.  We are not endorsing anybody here.  (Used as examples only)

LED Lights


Soft Lights https://www.amazon.com/HPUSN-Professional-Photography-Continuous-Reflectors/dp/B07NBP6D98/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2OIG8TGMHFJTX&keywords=video+lighting&qid=1574372616&s=electronics&sprefix=video+lighitn%2Celectronics%2C166&sr=1-3

Portable Lights


Mics for phones (this can be tricky as phones are changing all the time – check the model of phone you have before making a purchase)



Audio Recorder (great for running pro mics into and syncing the audio tracks to the video through editing)




One key element to this approach is when you are working with DW Video for You Shoot and We Edit is we will train you.  Train you with your camera/phone. Your success is ours. So before you go out and shoot your video, take time to learn.  We are here to help.  

There is so much that can go into a video.  Your message needs to be clear, the images in focus and the storytelling concise. Have fun.

AUTHOR You Shoot We Edit Video Services:

Duane Weed, Video Producer since 1983

Cameraman, Editor, Director, Concept guy and even carries and sets up his own equipment.



Video Blogs produced by DW Video:  Buy Local Michigan  Welcome to my basement Jus Jammin  MI Basement Session

Video Blogging

video-blogging-camera-setupVideo Blogging is a path DW Video is on with our upcoming series promoting Michigan.  It is an exciting time here in the studio.  Talking with guest for the show and making connections.

In yesterday’s blog we discussed some basic audio and video equipment to get you started in video blogging.

LIGHTING: With today’s cameras (even the cheap ones) are usually good enough under available lighting for YouTube.  However, when you are setting up space to do your video blogging keep one thing in mind.  Think like the viewer.  Would you like to see a dark, low light image of person talking to you?  It does not take much with the cameras of today to get a nice looking image.  The same goes for using to much light.  Test it.  Read up on low cost lighting.  A nice softbox will take care of most of your needs.

EDITING: I am not going to get in a Mac vs PC contest here.  Both are excellent for video blogging.  It comes down to your technical ability.  I use Sony Vegas and LOVE it.  However, I edit for a living and need the power Vegas provides me.  Do some research.  YouTube is full of how to tips for any software out there. Video Blogging is all about keeping it simple.  For our upcoming video blog we are doing just that.  However, because we are doing it in the studio I will use a three camera set up.  One wide shot, one on the host and one on the guest. This may change as we move forward – adapt and modify is my slogan.

If you do not want to be on camera maybe producing a slideshow style production with images, screen capture and narration is the answer. Software like Camtasia for capturing your computer screen and editing is one choice.  I believe you should be on-camera.  You are the expert, people connect better when they can see you.

Here is a tip I picked up at  Social Media Examiner  “For YouTube, make sure your URL is the first line in the description of the video. This will make it easy for people to locate and visit your site.

broadcast media ‘LIKE US ON FACEBOOK’ – For all your video and media production needs give Duane a call at 231-937-5420.  Connect with Duane on Linkedin.


DW Video production procedure

DW Video Production Procedure for all projects are very similar.

Here are some basic guidelines to the production flow of a project.

  • Outline for project. What is the goal of the video? Who is the audience? How is the video/DVD going to be distributed? Any manuals, tech sheets, promotional materials should be given at this time.
  • Script Research: In the case where one of DWVM’s scriptwriters writes the script we first start with a conference call or meeting with all parties involved. Other times when we use the Buy Local Video Profile style we discuss questions to ask employees, specialist and customers.  Develop a plan to tell your story.
  • If we go with a written scritp it needs to be written to an 8th grade level. The key to a good video is the script. It needs to be written in a conversational tone. The “Keep It Simple” principle really holds true here. You write to enforce the video and to train, educate and inform the viewer, not to bore them.
  • Review Process: Before any on-location video capture (videotaping) can begin the script needs to be approved. The script is our blueprint on how the video is going to be produced. It includes what video; graphics, animation and any other items are needed to complete the video. Please take time during this stage. It can save money during the actual production. Upon written approval of the script we are ready to move forward.
  • On-location Video Capture is the actual videotaping of each and every scene needed to match the narration or interview segment.
  • Graphics & Animation: these are being done while the on-location videotaping is happening so there is time to review and make changes if necessary.
  • Narration: The voice talent is recorded before the editing process begins.  Unless we are using interviews to tell your story. 
  • Editing: this is where it all comes together. The visuals are edited to the narration making sure every scene is properly timed out. Graphics, animations etc. are added at this time as well. Once the video is edited we will post the program on-line for review. 
  • Upon approval of edited video it is time to Design, Encode and Author the DVD and/or encode the video for use on-line.  A popular place to host your videos is YouTube.  Heck, did I even need to say that?  Vimeo works as well.
  • Artwork for DVD is designed and sent for approval.
  • Upon approval of DVD and artwork it is time to make copies.
  • Deliver Product / Upload video.

dw-video-multimediaEvery project we produce is unique, DW Video production procedure is a guideline, not rules.  Contact Duane today to discuss your next project.  We are here to help and look forward to meeting you.

Serving all of Michigan. Big Rapids, Greenville, Rockford, Grand Rapids, Mt. Pleasant, Alma, Midland, Sparta, Kent City, Cedar Springs, Reed City, Newaygo, Grand Haven, Muskegon, Traverse City and every other city in Michigan.


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