patient loyalty

patient loyalty customer service

Dr. Singh provides free patient education videos and testimonials to build patient loyalty .

What makes us loyal to certain brands and in healthcare what helps with patient loyalty? In today’s world of digital media and marketing we are looking for making it real.

In West Michigan  there is a Doctor that is using web site video to expand his message.  Dr. Harpreet Singh and the rest of  the team at Vital Checklist use video to tell and share their story.

In a recent article I read entitled ‘Patient Loyalty and the Social Media’ Effect, Verkamp, Jamie. The Journal of Medical Practice Management : MPM29.2 (Sep/Oct 2013):96-8.

This article was aimed at the healthcare market but it works in every business.  Here are their three tips: 1) Remember who bought dinner. Do we “thank” our patients (customers) after each interaction? Have your staff (sales people, employees) thank your patients (customers) for choosing you upon the close of each part of the office visit. 2) Like the song written by Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills & Nash says ‘Love the one you’re with’. Taking a moment to truly focus on the person in front of us. Wow your patients (customers) by making eye contact. Look around the computer or look up from the chart and take a moment to see patients (customers) on their level. 3) Mi casa es su casa. “My house is your house.” Think about how we treat our “houseguests.” When we welcome new guests to our home, we open the door, introduce them to our family, give them a tour, and offer them refreshments.

As I read the article it was like taking the plays out of Dr. Singh’s playbook.  Over the past year we have produced over 90 videos that are used on his facebook page, Vital Checklist,  Dr. Singh and iCrush websites

Patient Loyalty, Customer loyalty are important factors in how and why we do business.

Contact Duane at DW Video 231-937-5420 to discuss how we can tell your story.  Video Profiles, Customer Testimonials, New Product Introductions and more… we are here to help.

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