Telly Awards

telly awards-dw video

Dr. Harpreet Singh and Duane Weed share a moment their Telly Award.

With nearly 13,000 entries from all 50 states and numerous countries, the 35th Telly Awards has been one of the most successful and competitive in the long history of the Telly Awards. Duane Weed, DW Video & Multimedia, LLC from Howard City has been selected as a Telly Award Winner in 2014.

Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and web commercials, videos and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world.  The video selected was produced for Dr. Harpreet Singh, CEO and Founder of Vital Checklist and is entitled, “Dr. Singh has changed my Life”.

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According to Dr. Singh, “Duane was able to capture the emotion of the patient interview and was able to extract beyond his imagination the final result. Duane’s ability to visualize and tell the story is amazing.”

“While conducting the interview I remember visualizing the testimonial in my head, states Duane. “Working with the patient capturing the right sequence of video at her home and then editing the final was a wonderful process. That is what I like best about my job – taking a concept and turning it into a produced video.”

Dr. Singh continues, “Patient experience is about an emotional experience. You have to have the sense and vision to see what the patient is really telling you. Duane knew that from the beginning and the result is an award winning video for my web and social media sites.”

Duane can be reached at 231-937-5420 or visit his website at

Show emotion – priceless

Testimonial Videos are a great tool when they are real.  Meaning, not scripted, from the heart. At DW Video we enjoy producing video testimonials that have that raw emotion from the person sharing their experience and or story. This is a must see video – watch it here – [youtube_sc url=”” autoplay=”1″ rel=”0″]

Video Producer Duane Weed is becoming the King of Video Testimonials.  Contact today!

Dr. Harpreet Singh is the CEO / Founder of Vital Checklist. For more Free Patient Education Videos go to

This is a real-life patient experience. Informed consent was given by the people in this video.

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