Using the Zoom Q4 and GoPro Hero3 for editing a Music Concert

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I was recently in a battle of the bands.  For fun and yet still playing with my new Zoom Q4 I decided to  record the music concert.

For this music concert video I used two Zoom Q4’s and a Go Pro Hero 3. Edited on Sony Vegas Pro 12.

I found that the front Q4 due to the amount of light on the stage was washed out.  There is no iris control.  The side Q4 looked great.  However in the viewfinder for both cameras I did not see the wash out image.  The audio would have been better except I made a mistake.  The Zoom Q4 has a pop up stereo mic – which I forgot to pop up.  The mics picked up the ambient sound – however next time I may tap into the sound board.  The Q4 has a line input.

The GoPro Hero3 I placed in on the drums.  All cameras are fixed lens.  All the movement: zoom, pan – was done in editing using Sony Vegas Pro 12.  The cameras were set to 1920 X 1080.  I then did the edit in 720.  This allows me to get some nice camera motion within each video clip.

For music concert videos I cannot wait to try again go check out the sound.

Gained Access is a Christian Rock band praising the Lord.  In this ‘live’ performance the group performs an original song by Wilbur…. HEAVEN.

Video produced by DW Video & Multimedia, LLC

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