by dwvideo | Oct 23, 2014 | blog

I am here to tell your communities story. Duane
DW Video. Call 231-937-5420.
Promote your community with video as in DISCOVER HOWARD CITY MICHIGAN. The video begins with: Great for your shopping, dining and recreational needs. 30 minutes north of Grand Rapids in Montcalm County…we welcome you to our community. Come visit us today! Just 2 miles east of US 131 at Exit 118. This short presentation promotes your community with video. Below will be other examples.
According to the website’s vision statement, “The Village of Howard City is committed to being an attractive, environmentally conscious community, that is progressive, responsive, and hospitable. Share this vision on video and then share with others.
Promote your community: Identify your audience – this seems obvious but if you dpo not know your audience how can you promote to them?
Promote your community: What makes your community unique. Why should people move and do business in your community? The key is to make it visual.
Promote your community: With so many social media channels out there find a couple that that you think make sense for your community. Use social media to engage your audience. One way to do that is use video to tell your story. Use Blogging to feed to google beast. Friend and follow reporters. Never know when they might pick up your story.
Promote your community: Is your website Google friendly? Feed your website with fresh content. One of the best ways to do this is to have a blog. Use video within your blog posts to keep audiences engaged. Videos on all the aspects of your community placed on pages on your website that support those aspects.
Promote your community with video: Discover Howard City
[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”Discover%20Howard%20City%20Michigan” rel=”0″]
Promote your community with video: Welcome to Stanton
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Welcome%20to%20Stanton%20Michigan” rel=”0″]
Promote your community with video: Village of Lakeview
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Lakeview%20Michigan” rel=”0″]
Contact Duane to see how video can help promote you and your community and business. Call 231-937-5420.
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Stanton Video Production
Lakeview Web Video
by dwvideo | May 9, 2014 | blog

Interviewing a couple that calls Lakeview home.

James Freed, Village Manager records his segment of the community video on mainstreet.
Lakeview Michigan… the greatest place to work, live and raise a family is part of village manager James Freed comments in the Village of Lakeview community video.
The Village of Lakeview Video highlights the people and what makes this Montcalm County Village such a nice place to grow up and raise a family.
The people really make the town, a small community where you know most everyone. A place to find talented workers and to run a business. The Village of Lakeview offers so much from the local businesses, school system, healthcare and small airport.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Lakeview%20Community%20Video” rel=”0″]
According to their website: ” Lakeview is the epicenter for commerce, living and play for Cato Township, located in the northern panhandle region of Montcalm County. Lakeview has a population of about 1,120, however during business hours the community serves a population of about 3,000. Lakeview Michigan is home to many notable companies such as Spectrum Health Kelsey Hospital, Steeple Chase Tool & Die Inc and Parker Hannifin’s brass fitting division.”
At DW Video we provide video production services to the state of Michigan. Everyone has a story to tell and we are telling it.
by dwvideo | Nov 4, 2013 | blog
Welcome to the Buy Local Minute – Producer Director Duane Weed from DW Video & Multimedia, LLC in Howard City and the host of the Buy Local Minute shares our recent work for – “Mackinaw… Pure Michigan Tourist Destination” a finalist in the 2013 DV Awards.
The DV Awards is an international competition recognizing outstanding achievement in digital video. Welcome to Pure Michigan.
[youtube_sc url=”” autoplay=”1″ rel=”0″]
Duane worked closely with the Mackinaw Chamber and Dawn Edwards, “Great recognition for Duane’s hours of work! Exploring the Great Up North.” Edwards continues, “This movie evolved into a year round snapshot of work regardless of weather and other filming challenges. It captured the desire to travel North, relax with the family, explore real history and discover the many area recreational and business opportunities in the Mackinaw City Area,”
Whether you are a community, business, retailer, church, school, non-profit or professional service provider – We can tell your story. Put our award winning producing style to work for you! Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.

Pure Michigan – Standing on the outside of the Mackinaw City Lighthouse.
by dwvideo | Jul 6, 2013 | blog
Lets talk about Greenville History. Every community has a story. Every community has a history. Greenville was named in honor of the John Green family that settled here in June of 1844.
[youtube_sc url=”” autoplay=”1″ rel=”0″]
For the Greenville History videos, Duane worked with the Greenville Flat River Museum in producing this video many years ago. By combining photos and a script written by the museum the history of Greenville Michigan was produced.
DW Video is ready to produce your video… 231 937-5420.
Related Content: Fighting Falcon Museum, Fighting Falcon Website Fred Meijer

Every community has a story – so does Greenville

Part of Greenville History is Ranney Refrigeration.

Greenville was named after the John Green family in 1844.