Buy Local Video Profiles Big Rapids-Rockford-Grand Rapids-Greenville

Buy Local Video Profiles tell your story – who you are, what you do and informs, educates and sells your business, school, non-profit, church to your customers – current and future.


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buy local video profiles non profit

buy local video profiles are ideal for non-profits

No matter what type of business you are in: Corporate, Non-Profit, Retail, Manufacturing, Education, a Church etc. Everyone has a story to tell. The Buy Local Video Profiles tell your story 24/7. People like to do business with people they know and trust. They want to hear from you, in your own words. Once produced, use the video on your website, social media sites, for trade shows, mailers and as a TV commercial. One cost, no additional fees, your video to use everywhere. The video is customized to you!

There is also the Buy Local Mini Video Profile.  This mini profile is done at our studio and combines the interview with photos.  Since producing this video we have adapted the mini profile to multicamera production – Contact Duane 231 937-5420 to learn more.


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buy local video profile west michigan

Inform and educate your audience – Kelly’s Deer Processing

Buying local in Michigan is so important today.  Having a video on your website that informs and educates prospects into doing business with you is important.  Buy Local Video Profiles are ideal for everyone to tell their story.

How much time is needed to videotape my Buy-Local Video Profile? The Buy-Local Video Profiles are set for up to 3 hours on-location videotaping at generally one location.

The Buy-Local Video Profiles are done primarily as an interview. If we are interviewing speakers, we actually prefer an unscripted shoot as it is far more authentic and natural. Think of the interviews as more a conversation, rather than a question and answer session.  However, this is your video and we work with you to get the feel and results for your videos.



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And Lets not forget about the power of the testimonial.  The Buy Local Video Profiles are a great tool for video testimonials.  Luke Wyckoff from Social Media Energy, Denver CO, discusses how important video is for business.  In addition how DW Video & Multimedia, LLC is telling your story for social media, websites and marketing.


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michigan buy local video profiles

Telling Michigan’s story with our buy local video profiles

From Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Grand Haven, Traverse City to Rockford, Greenville, Mount Pleasant and Clare – all all points in between – DW Video’s Buy Local Video Profiles tell your story.



Attorney Videos – Big Rapids Traverse City

Jordan-Balkema Elder Law Center in Big Rapids had DW Video produce a series of attorney videos for them.  These Buy Local Video Profiles not only educate, they also introduce the prospect to each of the attornies.

The Buy Local Video Profile works great for  attorney videos, Pete Jordan uses the Buy Local Video Profile allow people to get to know him.  It is important to personalize your message to prospects and customers.  Mr. Jordan states, “When I graduated from law school in 1969, I knew that I wanted to be in the estate planning area of the law. I enjoyed the financial end of it, I enjoyed the taxes, I enjoyed working with the people, saving the people the taxes in saving them probate expenses.”


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attorney videos big rapids

The Jordan-Balkema Elder Law Center in Big Rapids has a series of Buy Local Videos on their website.

According to the Jordan Balkema website, “The Elder Law professionals at Jordan Balkema Elder Law Center (JBELC), are dedicated to providing intelligent, compassionate and timely information about estate planning, probate, Medicaid and all other issues pertaining to elder law.”

The Jordan Balkema Law Center is here to protect you and your loved ones and to help you understand elder law. Contact them today at 1-800-395-4347.

Buy Local Video Profiles

Buy local video profiles tell your story.  People like doing business with people they know and trust.  Put yourself out there – become a spokesperson for your business, company, school, non-profit.  Your customers want to know you. They want to do business with you. You have to tell your story to turn them from a prospect to a customer.  Digital Video is a cost-effective form of communication which allows you to demonstrate your product, service and benefits in ways that photos and text cannot. Allow people to get to know your name – an about me video and buy local video profile does just that… Video tells your story.  Contact Duane 231 937-5420 to tell your story.  Promoting Michigan businesses!


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