Website design services for Reed City, Big Rapids, Cedar Springs, Rockford, Greenville


Using WordPress to design websites for Michigan Businesses.

Website design services for Reed City, Big Rapids. Cedar Springs, Rockford, Greenville have DW Video produce your website using WordPress.

DW Video’s website is designed from a few templates.  You see we could not find one that fit our need.  So, we borrowed from a few and our Website Programmer did the rest.

On the home page we have one theme as the top and very bottom, then another with the center boxes for each of our services. What we do is listen to your needs and look at your budget to find the best template(s) to meet your need.  Most of the time it takes a combination of designs to reach the goal.  That is why we are here to help with website design for Reed City, Big Rapids. Cedar Springs, Rockford and Greenville areas.

Since we are a video company we need to be able to provide numerous examples of the videos we have produce.  We also did not want it to look cluttered. We took from another theme the video gallery look.

Speaking of video, you need a variety of videos on your site informing, educating and selling your products and services.  At DW Video we produce videos for a variety of businesses, all with different budgets our site shows off what we do. Call us 231-937-5420.

At DW Video we provide website design services for Reed City, Big Rapids. Cedar Springs, Rockford, Greenville and all of West Michigan.

Custom websites, web applications to help your business run smooth and be more productive and video production services to sell, market and train prospects and employees.



Using one of the many plugin’s for displaying video.


Add video to your WordPress site – powerful.


More examples of what DW Video can do for you!

Michigan Destinations

 Attorney Videos

Video Profiles

Inventor Videos

Non Profit Videos

Michigan Video Resource





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