by dwvideo | Dec 11, 2014 | blog

Back in the 1990’s video producer Duane Weed was one of nine that founded the Panhandle Chamber.
What does the The Power of Buying Local mean? Buying and shopping close to home is more than a feel-good effort. Does it mean it is worth paying more for local matters or does it? I have read where twice the money stayed in the community when people purchased locally. The Power of Buying Local campaign can serve by alerting a community about what is unique within your local market.
In the mid nineties I helped start the Montcalm County Area Panhandle Chamber of Commerce. Looking around my community I quickly realized there were over 300 businesses. However, what you see in the downtown and on the main drag was only a small percentage of the actual economics that were going on within the area. My guess is when people think of buying local they think of what they can see. Not the repair shop off the beaten path or even in my case a media and video production company in the country. The Power of Buying Local is ALL. The men and women that make up these businesses pay taxes to the schools, support local organizations and volunteer their time. We need to support these people so they can continue to support us and the community.

The Band of Locals has a Blue Band program that supports the power of buying local.
Another example of an organization that was established to share the power of buying local is the Band of Locals in Big Rapids. The Band of Locals have on their website state, “With no expiration date, the Blue Bands allow you to receive discounted savings at participating businesses throughout Mecosta County.”
Here is a TV Spot we created for the Band of Locals. Since producing this video the phone number has changed – we need to take care of this 🙂 (231) 796-2502 is the Band of Locals new phone number.
[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”band%20of%20locals” rel=”0″]
At DW Video we are here to help tell your story on video. Call today 231-937-5420. Lets get started in promoting you to the community and have people buy local at your place. Connect with Duane on Linkedin.
by dwvideo | May 15, 2014 | blog
The Big Rapids Band of Locals was formed to service the business market of Mecosta County. What is the band of locals? It is a group of businesses that offer discounts to consumers that have purchase a blue band for $10. The ten dollar fee is a lifetime offer. Many people make their money back in the first use. The Big Rapids Band of Locals know the importance of buying local. At DW Video we also provide a discount on our consumer services to people with the blue band.
[youtube_sc url=”″ title=”big%20rapids%20band%20of%20locals” rel=”0″]

DW Video & Multimedia is proud to be part of the Band of Locals.
Contact the Mecosta Chamber to pick up your Band of Locals Blue Bands for $10.00 each. Or at participating locally owned businesses and begin saving today!
With no expiration date, the Blue Bands allow you to receive discounted savings at participating businesses throughout Mecosta County. Buying Locally has never felt so good. You can follow the Band of Locals on Facebook.
The Band of Locals, a part of the Mecosta County Area Chamber of Commerce highlights members every Friday on 97.3 Sunny FM. Radio host Steve Masters and Scott Roman interview Duane Weed along with Band of Locals cheerleader Carlleen Rose. Duane Weed, DW Video & Multimedia is spotlighted in this video.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”band%20of%20locals” rel=”0″]
DW Video & Mulitmedia, LLC is a full service video and media production company serving Michigan since 1984.
by dwvideo | Apr 7, 2014 | blog
The Band of Locals, a part of the Mecosta County Area Chamber of Commerce highlights members every Friday on 97.3 Sunny FM. Radio host Steve Masters and Scott Roman interview Duane Weed along with Band of Locals cheerleader Carlleen Rose.
[youtube_sc url=”” title=”Band%20of%20Locals” rel=”0″]

Duane Weed being interviewed on Snny 97.3FM as part of the Band of Locals
Duane Weed, DW Video & Multimedia is spotlighted in this video. Duane shares is 2013 DV Award for the Mackinaw Area, Michigans Tourist Destination video he produced. In addition talks about his involvement with Dr. Harpreet Singh and Vital Checklist. They close with Duane’s transfer service that includes Video/Film to DVD and how videotapes from the 1980’s are starting to become unstable and should be transferred before it is to late.
The Mornng show on Sunny 97.3FM is hosted by Steve Master and Scott Roman. Sunny FM is at
For all your video, media and website services go to .
by dwvideo | Apr 6, 2014 | blog

Buy Local with the Band of Locals in Mecosta County
In Mecosta County there is a push to buy local with the Band of Locals. What is the Band of Locals? It is a program where you pay $10 for a blue band. With no expiration date, the Blue Bands allow you to receive discounted savings at participating businesses throughout Mecosta County, Osceola and Montcalm Counties.
This ad is one DW Video created to promote the Band of Locals. Creative Team Member Frank Krywicki created the logo. Contact Duane for all your brand marketing needs 231-937=5420.