Attorney Website Videos -Big Rapids-Traverse City-Grand Rapids

Attorney website videos are ideal to inform prospects on the various services your firm offers and provides. In the below example attorney Mara Raven Spence, from the Jordan Balkema Elder Law Center discusses guardians or conservators.

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big rapids attorney website videos

Guardians and conservators make decisions regarding the personal and financial affairs, respectively, of such incapacitated persons.

Mara Raven Spence focuses on probate and trust administration.  The Buy Local Video Profile work great for attorney website videos.

At the Jordan Balkema Elder Law Center they help you understand the laws and in setting up the proper course of action when dealing with guardians, trusts and wills.  From the video profile and the Elder Law Center website you learn: What is a Fiduciary? Are there any alternatives to a Guardian / Conservator? What are the powers and duties of a Guardian? Does a Guardian receive compensation? We are dealing with personal issues.  DW Video‘s Buy Local Video Profiles provide a personal touch to providing information to prospects and customers.

Attorney Spence does a nice job of personalizing the message. She also goes on to state, “If you are appointed a conservator you must file an inventory with the probate court within 56 days of your appointment.  You must also file an annual report with the court that explains the finances throughout that year, and that must be served on all of the interested person in the matter: “what are my rights as a beneficiary through a will or trust?”

Good information, personal touch, get to know the attorney that will be helping you…. priceless.  It is important that the conservator who wishes to be compensated keep accurate time records and be able to demonstrate to the court that the services
were both necessary and beneficial.  To learn more contact the Jordan Balkema Elder Law Center at 1-800-395-4347.



Attorney Videos – Big Rapids Traverse City

Jordan-Balkema Elder Law Center in Big Rapids had DW Video produce a series of attorney videos for them.  These Buy Local Video Profiles not only educate, they also introduce the prospect to each of the attornies.

The Buy Local Video Profile works great for  attorney videos, Pete Jordan uses the Buy Local Video Profile allow people to get to know him.  It is important to personalize your message to prospects and customers.  Mr. Jordan states, “When I graduated from law school in 1969, I knew that I wanted to be in the estate planning area of the law. I enjoyed the financial end of it, I enjoyed the taxes, I enjoyed working with the people, saving the people the taxes in saving them probate expenses.”


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attorney videos big rapids

The Jordan-Balkema Elder Law Center in Big Rapids has a series of Buy Local Videos on their website.

According to the Jordan Balkema website, “The Elder Law professionals at Jordan Balkema Elder Law Center (JBELC), are dedicated to providing intelligent, compassionate and timely information about estate planning, probate, Medicaid and all other issues pertaining to elder law.”

The Jordan Balkema Law Center is here to protect you and your loved ones and to help you understand elder law. Contact them today at 1-800-395-4347.

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