Summer Camp Video-Canada-Michigan… Great Summers of Fun, Making New Friends and Tradition. The Bil-O-Wood tradition. What a great place for your son or daughter to learn about themselves. Welcome to Camp Bil-O-Wood
It is about telling your story. Producing a promotional video on your summer camp to share with parents and potential campers. Establish trust and share the benefits your summer camp has to offer.
According to the Camp Bil-O-Wood Website, “Camp Bil-O-Wood is a traditional, co-ed, summer camp for children ages 7 to 17. Our 2, 4, and 8 week sessions provide: a comprehensive in-camp activity program, an unsurpassed wilderness canoeing and camping program, Our location in the pristine north woods of Ontario offers an endless playground for children to learn, to grow and to experience nature.”
In this promotional video for Camp Bil-O-Wood in Blind River Canada, we tell their story.
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When producing a video first know your audience. Plan the distribution of the video before you produce it – often the first choice is the web: your website, social media sites. Author a DVD for trade shows, presentations and mailers to families in your market area.
At Camp Bil-O-Wood 130 campers, ages 7 to 17, live in twelve cabins nestled among the beautiful white birch and pine trees along the shores of Bass Lake. The cabins are clean and rustic in style. Cabins have electricity, running water and separate toilets. Male and female shower houses are located nearby. All facilities exceed Ontario Camping Association standards.
Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.
Is your son or daughter looking for adventure? Camp Bil-O-Wood has an awesome outdoor tripping program in the great Canadian outdoors.
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