DW Video & Multimedia is producing Michigan Video Stock Footage and distributing it through our Video Blocks Marketplace page.  Each clip is $49.00.

Video Blocks DW VideoOur goal with providing Michigan Video Stock Footage is to provide Video Producers, Television Stations, Documentary Makers with quality video clips from around Michigan.  This will be an on-going project.  Adding content as often as we can.

Video footage from Michigan Landmarks, Michigan Waterfalls, Michigan Tourist Attractions and Michigan Events will all be part of our Michigan Video Stock Footage marketplace on Video Blocks.

Over the years Duane has acquired a lot of HD Video from Michigan.  If you are looking for something particular please call 231-250-9624 as we will see if it is in our library.  If it is not, we can go and get it for you.

A pretty cool bonus to what we are offering at our Video Blocks Marketplace site is some of our clips have two or more clips all part of the one for purchase.  As an editor and also trying to help producers budget we want to add that little extra.  A wide shot, Medium Shot and maybe a pan all part of the one low price.  As an editor this provides many options.

Our specialty is Michigan based video footage.  But do not be surprised if footage from other states finds its way into our library.

Michigan Stock Video is a division of DW Video & Multimedia, LLC. Since 1984 we have been producing videos for business and organizations all around Michigan.  Need a video produced?  Need a certain video clip that is not listed on our Video Blocks Marketplace page.  We are here to help – contact Duane at 231-250-9624.


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