[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/cRU0H23agSg” title=”Kellys%20Deer%20Processing” rel=”0″]


This is a short video Colin Kelly from Kellys Deer Processing showing off his skills.

Colin who has owned Kelly’s Deer Processing in Big Rapids for over 20 year shows us how to skin a deer…. In under one minute.  www.kellysdeerprocessing.com

deer processing

Colin sent this to me to edit and add the timer. Kellys Deer Processing is a great place to bring your deer to be processed. Also, want some steaks… call.

Colin’s son did the videotaping and DW Video did the edit.

YOU SHOOT – WE EDIT – like the name states.  Do you have video on your phone, tablet, camcorder and need some editing? Bring it in and we will do what you need.  For fun, business or a special gift.  We can help.  Contact Duane 

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