After attending a Grand Rapids Inventors Network (GRIN) meeting (more on that below), John and Jen discuss how DW Video has helped them with their Inventor Videos. After talking with John, He has many ideas in his head, he loves coming up with ideas and then having Jen take and market them. These inventor videos… or marketing videos, promo videos and in some cases instructional videos… we tell their story.
John and Jen are the owners of Magnetic Marine Products – According to Jen, “Duane’s a piece of work”. What does that mean – watch the video.
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Early on in the concept of the Gear Grabbar, the couple visited one of the GRIN meetings and were given very positive input that has moved them ahead in their venture. That was in 2009/2010. According to the GRIN website – “GRIN members include professionals, marketers, business owners, and consultants, as well as others with individual skills to help take an idea to the marketplace. We welcome inventors of all ages and experience levels.” Having an Inventor Video helps show off and highlight your product for others to see and purchase.
DW Video has been in business since 1984 serving Michigan with quality video and media production services. Contact Duane to discuss your project, he is there to help you.