grand rapids healtcare videos

It is all about your story. Educating patients and promoting your practice means business for you.

At DW Video we have the technical capability to incorporate any type of element into the healthcare videos we produce.  Grand Rapids is now a hub for the medical community. Video is a tool to help educate and promote you.  DW Video’s healthcare videos are created in a format that are visually appealing.  Video does not have to be flashy… it does however need to tell your story. See examples below.

Technically and creatively, we can produce anything you can dream up in a style fitting for your audience.

Educate Patients, Improve Satisfaction, Streamline Treatment, Save Staff Time…. whatever your reason for video – We are here to help.  “Knowing that our videos could help someone is a rewarding experience, however as a video producer I may never know the true impact”, state Duane Weed.  “The goal is to provide the information and work with the client to get their story told.  Everyone has a story to tell and we are telling it.”

Our healthcare video consultant is Dr. Harpreet Singh.  He is available to offer his medical knowledge and creative input.  The man is talented and has many ideas.  A valued part of the DW Video Creative Team.


In this example – patient testimonials.  No one sells you better than a customer. Hear the emotion in her voice.  This is a real-life patient.  Not scripted.  When your smile is worth it, you want to share with others.  This is her story.

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”dr%20scharp” rel=”0″]


As of today April 28, 2014,  DW Video has produced over 60 videos for Dr. Singh.  Patient Testimonials are one way he is getting new patients.  This is a short highlight video we are using on his website… and it is working.

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”dr%20singh%20patient%20testimonials” rel=”0″]


 Activate the patients before they come to you… the specialist, the doctor.  In addition to the numerous patient testimonials DW Video has produced for Dr. Singh.  Patient Education Videos are also very important.  You the healthcare professional are the expert in your field of medicine.  Share it.

[youtube_sc url=”” title=”patient%20education” rel=”0″]



At DW Video & Multimedia, LLC we are here to tell your story and more importantly – to help you.  Contact us today!



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