Welcome to Greenville Michigan – the home of the The Fighting Falcon Military Museum.  Inside the museum is a replica of the `’The Fighting Falcon”, the most famous combat glider of World War II. Buy Local TV takes you inside to learn about the museum and the World War II glider built and produced in Greenville Michigan at the Gibson Refrigerator Company.

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According to the the Fighting Falcon Website:  “The Fighting Falcon Military Museum is dedicated to educating the public about the people, machines and personal history of U.S. war and conflict. We strive to highlight the stories of local men and women of Greenville, Michigan and surrounding areas. Among the uniforms, weapons and equipment are stories from the men and women who have served.”

greenville fighting falcon

Producer Duane Weed with his Studio 2 students in front of the Fighting Falcon Glider.

Fighting Falcon

Telling the story of Fighting Falcon Glider located in

Greenville Michigan .

More facts from their website –

From Refrigerators to Gliders in 6 Months 

*Reprinted from a 1944 newspaper article

Playing tag with the clouds and taking free rides on the wind currents in a glider has been recognized for years as a fascinating and sporting adventure. Today, the glider is no longer merely the happy fun-craft of a few sportsman. It has swapped its gay colors for war paint, and has become a stealthy weapon of war. Gliders tell no tales of their approach. Fleets of them bearing men and guns on whispering wings can he towed over enemy lines while it is still dark, and released at high altitudes to swish down upon objectives at dawn.   More information

Related Content: Buy Local TV   Greenville Michigan

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