Fierce-FIT-Fabulous located in Rockford Michigan. Contact Sandra, your personal boot camp instructor, Get ready… GO!
Fierce, FIT & Fabulous Women’s Only Boot Camp is for you, the only one of it’s kind, giving you a place to strengthen your spirit by offering a faith-based approach to jump start your health & fitness lifestyle, and break out of boredom as you challenge yourself. So, Women are you looking for a total body transformation or a way to stay fit & healthy, or just need to break out of a rut, challenge your body & challenge your mind! You need to talk to Sandra .
According to Fiercer-Fit-Fabulous website, “Each four-week camp is unique and no workouts are ever the same for maximum results. Each stimulating workout should burn body fat and build strength.
According to Sandra’s students,
* “I Love starting out with a faith based workout.
* Everyday we come to the parking lot and nothing and thee is something new and different.
* Positive, upbeat with all the girls.
* Love the energy and love working out with the girls.
Having struggled with her weight for many years, Boot Camp Instructor Sandra, prayed for years for God to deliver her in this area. She wanted to take what God has shown her and decided to help other women.
[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/iv2nO-vGYCM” title=”Rockford%20Michigan%20Boot%20Camp%20for%20Women” rel=”0″]
Video produced by Duane Weed at DW Video & Multimedia. Producing videos that promote Michigan Businesses, Communities and People. Contact Duane at 231-937-5420.
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