Ferris State University Campus Life

Fun times at Ferris State.

Ferris State University Campus Life video is the second video produced by DW Video & Multimedia, LLC.  What better way to open the campus life video than from the  President of Ferris State University, Dr. David L. Eisler.

I remember going over all the interviews trying to decide the exact segments to use for all the videos.  This is a very important part of my job as a storyteller.  Finding the right segments to tell the story. Here is the first segment from the Librarian at Ferris –  “Whenever you become passionate about whatever it is… you can make a huge impact here on campus'”

We interviewed a Pharmacy student and hearing his advice about coming to Ferris as a freshman… great advise.  Another student offered input about joining a student organization to make new friends and gain experience.  Making it real and telling Ferris’s story is the approach DW Video took when producing these videos.

“The second I came onto campus I knew I was at home.”  You know when you visit a campus and you get that feeling this is going to be home for the next four years. I got the feeling right away” All great advice from other students.

Enjoy the Ferris State University Campus Life video.  Contact Ferris State University Admissions to book your tour.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/C-MI9dvFEp0″ title=”Ferris%20State%20University%20Campus%20Life” rel=”0″]


More Ferris State Bulldog Videos produced by DW Video:

Welcome to Ferris

Proud Bulldog Parent


Contact Duane at 231-937-5420 to discuss your video project.

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