Interview questions to ask a family member
Sample interview questions to ask family member
When interviewing a family member about your family history, here are some questions you can ask to gather valuable information and stories:
Begin with the basics:
- What is your full name, date of birth, and place of birth?
- Who were your parents and grandparents? What were their names and any significant details about their lives?
Explore their childhood and early memories:
- What are your earliest memories of your childhood and growing up?
- What was your family life like? Who were the important people in your household?
Ask about family traditions and customs:
- Are there any unique traditions or customs that have been passed down through generations in our family?
- Did your family have any special celebrations or rituals?
Inquire about family migrations and origins:
- Where did our ancestors come from? Are there any stories or details about their journey to a new place?
- Are there any notable migrations or moves within the family’s history?
Discuss family occupations and professions:
- What kind of work did our ancestors engage in? Were there any family businesses or occupations that were significant?
- Did any family members have particularly interesting or notable careers?
Explore relationships and connections:
- Who were your siblings and other close relatives? What were their names, and do you have any interesting stories about them?
- Did our family have any notable friendships or connections with other families or individuals?
Uncover significant events and stories:
- Were there any significant historical events that affected our family directly?
- Are there any remarkable or memorable stories passed down through the generations that you can share?
Capture personal experiences and anecdotes:
- What are some of the most memorable experiences you’ve had within our family?
- Are there any funny, heartwarming, or inspiring stories that you can share?
Discuss family values and beliefs:
- Are there any core values or beliefs that have been important in our family?
- Are there any particular cultural, religious, or spiritual practices that have been upheld?
Document advice and lessons learned:
- What advice or lessons have you learned from our family’s history that you would like to pass on to future generations?
- Is there any wisdom or knowledge you would like to share about the importance of family?
Remember to be a good listener, encourage open sharing, and express gratitude for their willingness to share their stories. These questions will help you uncover valuable insights and create a meaningful record of your family history.
Duane knows how to tell stories and make people comfortable when interviewing them. Contact Duane today 231-250-9624