Business Facebook Tagging Tip – We have been talking about the importance of tagging and sharing from your business Facebook page. Have you been on your business Facebook page and wanted to tag a business or a person. However, you are not able to tag a customer or business from your page. I am not an expert in Facebook but the other day I figured out a Business Facebook Tagging Tip that allows you to tag businesses and people.
Many of you may already know this but I figured this out by accident. Here is my Business Facebook Tagging Tip for the day.
1) Go to your Business Facebook page, log in and compose your message. Then post it.
2) Now log back in to your personal page. Find the page you just created and edit that page – as you. Now when you type in the persons name it will bring it up from your friends or follow list.

In this example edits were made from my personal page on my DW Video Facbook page. This allows me to tag people and businesses.
3) Save it and now you have tagged people and businesses within your business facebook page.
I will break down the post in this Business Facebook Tagging Tip. Here is a breakdown of what I changed from my personal account when editing my business page.
Enjoyed a wonderful interview with (From my personal page Mike and I are friends) Mike Malcolm from (From my personal page I have ‘liked’ his page) The Ring Cuff for Buy Local Michigan. Will be editing his video later this week. Keep an eye on (From my personal page I have ‘liked’ my oage) DW Video & Multimedia, LLC for when his will go ‘live’. Remember to Buy and Shop locally. (Facebook allows hashtags so I use my twitter hashtag to help brand my product) #buylocalmi
Have a question please contact me at 231-937-5420. This is the office phone and we are not able to text from this number. I am here to help.